
Creator: coderz1093

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singularity flutter

Flutter wrapper for Singularity SDK #
You can integrate singularity sdk to easy implement login flow and wallet integration
SigularitySDKProtocol #
Implement this protocol to get callbacks

This callback you get after successfully login. You will get the login user detail as json string in parameter.
You also get user detail anytime from shared preference using SingularityUser as key.

onGetSingularityUserInfo(Map user) {

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To get user detail from shared preference
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
final Map user = prefs.getString('SingularityUser');// for ios it return map for android it return Json String
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This callback you get when you click on close icon or press back button.

onSingularityClose() {

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This callback you get after successfully logout. It also delete user detail from shared preference.

onSingularityLogout() {

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This callback you get when any error occured.

onSingularityError(String msg) {

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openLoginScreen #
You can call this function to start login flow or can open profile page
key - provide user key as string
singularityConfig - provide configurations details as map
_gamepay.openLoginScreen(key: <your_key>, singularityConfig: {<configuration_details>}); // pass'environment' to set environment 0 for test 1 for production

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