
Creator: coderz1093

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Disk Size for Desktop #
A simple package which displays disk size on Linux and Windows.
Mac not supported, yet.
Features #

Available disk space.

Free disk space.

Disk capacity/size.

is_empty extension on io::Directory.

To get available disk space #
import 'package:size/size.dart';
void main() async{
await Size.init(); // Initialize plugin
var x = Size();
print(x.getAvailableDiskSpace('/home')); // 800007566 -> int
print(x.getFreeDiskSpace('/home')); // 800002566 -> int
print(x.getDiskCapacity('/home')); // 4540002566 -> int
print(await Directory.current.is_empty()); // false -> bool
copied to clipboard
Always use await Size.init(); to initialize package before trying any other method. This will download the required libs since they can't be bundled with this Package.
Note: On linux, if your home, root and any other directory are on different partitions, your partition size will be returned.
Additional information #
Each get.. function returns an int which is actually the disk size in byte.
Difference between getFreeDiskSpace and getAvailableDiskSpace #
According to AlexP on askubuntu

Free memory is the amount of memory which is currently not used for anything. This number should be small, because memory which is not used is simply wasted.
Available memory is the amount of memory which is available for allocation to a new process or to existing processes.

Building lib #
If you what to build the lib.
cd size
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -S ..
copied to clipboard
Create an issue if you've any problem. #


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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