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sj sdk testing

sj_sdk_testing #
A SDK to access XXX services such as login, sign-up, point exchange, ext..
This package is a Flutter implementation of

Android: via Jitpack
IOS: SkyJoyAuthSDK via Cocoapods

Setup #
Android #
Go to android/build.gradle and add this line inside repositories block:
repositories {
maven {
url = uri("")
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and set kotlin version to 1.9.24 inside buildScript block:
ext.kotlin_version = '1.9.24'
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Go to android/app/build.gradle and set minSdkVersion to 26
minSdkVersion 26
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This package set ios deployment target to 11.0. If your ios project is targeting below said version, you can adjust the Podfile file in ios module.
target.build_configurations.each do |config|
config.build_settings['IOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = '11.0'
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Config #
Create SjConfig object and provide required parameters
clientId: <provide-your-clientid>,
language: <language> (default: Language.en),
environment: <environment> (default: Environment.uat),
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All available languages:
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All supported environments:
Environment.uat /// (default)
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Initialize package by providing your created config object
await SjSdkTesting.init(config);
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Usage #
SignIn / SignUp #
Call available signIn and signUp methods accordingly
await SjSdkTesting.instance.signIn();
await SjSdkTesting.instance.signUp();
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Both methods return a map:
"accessToken": "",
"refreshToken": "",
"expiresIn": "",
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User Profile #
Call userProfile method and provide member token from signIn or signUp method
await SjSdkTesting.instance.userProfile(token);
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Method return a map that contains user profile:
"fullName": "",
"userName": "",
"phoneNumber": "",
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Point Exchange #
Call pointExchange method and provide your phoneNumber and memberCode
await SjSdkTesting.instance.pointExchange(phoneNumber, memberCode);
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Flight Redemption #
Call flightRedemption method and provide your token
await SjSdkTesting.instance.pointExchange(token);
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Author #
Khang Huynh - @gj-khanghv on Github
License #
MIT. See the LICENSE file for details.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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