slats 1.0.0

Creator: bradpython12

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slats 1.0.0

slats saves local albums to Spotify.
The first thing you need to do is write (preferably in some automated
way) a JSON file of albums you want to save to your Spotify account. For
{ "album_artist": "Biosphere", "album": "Seti Project" },
{ "album_artist": "Biosphere", "album": "Shenzhou" },
{ "album_artist": "Biosphere", "album": "Substrata" },
{ "album_artist": "Biosphere", "album": "Dropsonde" },
"album_artist": "Darcy James Argue's Secret Society",
"album": "Infernal Machines"
{ "album_artist": "Haruka Nakamura", "album": "Grace" },
{ "album_artist": "Haruka Nakamura", "album": "Twilight" },
{ "album_artist": "Jens Lekman", "album": "I Know What Love Isn't" },
{ "album_artist": "Jens Lekman", "album": "Night Falls Over Kortedala" }

Note that the JSON you provide needs to respect the following schema:
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"album_artist": { "type": "string" },
"album": { "type": "string" }

Once you have the JSON file ready, run slats with
slats --albums-json my_json_file.json

and slats will open up a Spotify authentication page in your favourite
browser where you then need to give the okay to slats to modify your
account. Once you've authenticated, slats will ask you to input the URL
you were redirected to after authenticating the app.
Then slats will attempt to find each album in the JSON you provided, and
if it can find the corresponding album on Spotify and if you don't
already have that album saved, it will save the album to your account.
slats will give you copious coloured output so you can see exactly
what's going on.
What's the catch
Spotify song limits
Spotify restricts the number of songs you can have saved to your account
to 10,000 songsā€”as of this writing at least (2019-05-02). This means
that if you want to import a monolithic music library to Spotify, this
unfortunately will only end up saving a fraction of that library. What's
worse is that the Spotify API doesn't return any reasonable error for
when this happens. When I imported my library, getting a 502 error was a
pretty consistent indication that I was at my song limit. So if your run
fails with 502s, maybe you've reached your song limit.
If you're worried about reaching Spotify's song limit, one good way of
addressing this is to break up the albums you want to import into chunks
and run slats on each of those chunks separately.
Spotify API rate limits
Spotify isn't transparent about its API's rate limits (number of
requests per unit time). Because I don't know what the rate limit is, I
haven't protected against it in the code. So if your run crashes due to
a rate limit error, wait a bit, and try again (and maybe remove the
albums that have already been processed in your JSON file so that it
uses less requests on the next iteration).
You can either install slats with pip using
sudo pip3 install slats

or just run it directly from source with the script.
slats looks for a configuration file at two paths:


where $PROJECT_ROOT is the base of the slats project (which you
generally only want to use if you're running from source), and
$XDG_CONFIG_HOME defaults to $HOME/.config, if you don't have it
To get started, copy the example configuration file
config.yaml.example to one of the above
locations (making sure to rename it to config.yaml).
The next thing you need to do is get your Spotify username and also
register a Spotify app (which is necessary for slats to work). You can
find your Spotify username in the account page on Spotify's main site;
and see this
for details on registering a Spotify app.
In the config file you copied, fill in spotify-username with your
Spotify username, spotify-client-id and spotify-client-secret with
the values you get after registering your app, and set
spotify-redirect-uri to any redirect URI you have whitelisted with
your app.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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