slc.rdbploneformgenadapter 0.0.2

Creator: bradpython12

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slc.rdbploneformgenadapter 0.0.2


Detailed Documentation


Change history

0.0.2 (2009-10-12)
0.0.1 (2009-10-12)

Future features, mabye

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Detailed Documentation
RDB Action Adapter for PloneFormGen
The Action Adapter can be used to store form submissions of PloneFormGen
forms into a relations database.

The Action Adapter users the IDatabase Utility from collective.lead
to write data to the database. You must provide such an IDatabase Utility.

After you installed the Action Adapter in the Plone Control Panel, you can
start adding The Action Adapter to PloneFormGen forms.
The Action Adapter Configuration Screen contains two parameters:

Insert query
The query to insert data. We do not use the SQLAlchemy mapping features,
but write data directly into the database. The fields from the form
are added as a dictionary to the execute statement. See pep-0249
for formatting strings. As we pass a dict, you must use positional
arguments. in PEP 249 they are called paramstyle named and pyformat
An Example looks like this:
insert into test_questions (replyto, topic, comments) values(%(replyto)s, %(topic)s, %(comments)s);
insert into test_questions (replyto, topic, comments) values(:replyto, :topic, :comments);

Databae utility Name
The name of the IDatabase Utility that you must configure

Change history

0.0.2 (2009-10-12)

Brown bag bad documentation release (gerken)

0.0.1 (2009-10-12)

Initial Release

Future features, mabye

In the RDB Action Adapter View, check for the existence of the IDatabase
utility, and emit a warning if its missing


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