
Creator: coderz1093

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slip39-dart #

The dart implementation of the SLIP39 for Shamir's Secret-Sharing for Mnemonic Codes.
The code based on the Reference implementation of SLIP-0039.
This project is still in early development phase. Use it at your own risk.
Description #
This SLIP39 implementation uses a 3 level height (l=3) of a 16 degree (d=16) tree (T), which is represented as an array of the level two nodes (groups, G).
The degree (d) and the level (l) of the tree are 16 and 3 respectively,
which means that max d^(l-1), i.e. 16^2, leaf nodes (M) can be in a complete tree (or forest).
The first level (l=1) node of the tree is the the root (R), the level 2 ones are the SSS groups (Gs or group nodes) e.g. [G0, ..., Gd].
The last, the third, level nodes are the only leafs (M, group members) which contains the generated mnemonics.
Every node has two values:

the N and
M i.e. n(N,M).

Whihc means, that N (threshold) number of M children are required to reconstruct the node's secret.
Format #
There are two formats for representing the shares:

The JSON format, see details here
and a simplye array/List format.

The The tree's human friendly array representation only uses the group (l=2) nodes as arrays.
For example. : [[1,1], [1,1], [3,5], [2,6]]
The group's first parameter is the N (group threshold) while the second is the M, the number of members in the group. See, details in Example.
Installing #
Add the following into the pubspec.yaml:
slip39: ^0.2.1
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Example #
import 'package:slip39/slip39dart';

int main() {
// threshold (N) number of group shares required to reconstruct the master secret.
final threshold = 2;
final masterSecret = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP";
final passphrase = "TREZOR";

// 4 groups shares and 2 are required to reconstruct the master secret.
final groups = [
// Alice group shares. 1 is enough to reconstruct a group share,
// therefore she needs at least two group shares to be reconstructed,
[1, 1],
[1, 1],
// 3 of 5 Friends' shares are required to reconstruct this group share
[3, 5],
// 2 of 6 Family's shares are required to reconstruct this group share
[2, 6]

final slip = Slip39.fromArray(
masterSecret: masterSecret,
passphrase: passphrase,
threshold: threshold,
groups: groups);

// One of Alice's share
final aliceShare = slip.fromPath('r/0').mnemonics;

// and any two of family's shares.
var familyShares = slip.fromPath('r/3/1').mnemonics;
familyShares = familyShares..addAll(slip.fromPath('r/3/3').mnemonics);

final allShares = aliceShare..addAll(familyShares);

print("Shares used for restoring the master secret:");
allShares..forEach((s) => print(s));

final recoveredSecret = Slip39.recoverSecret(allShares, passphrase);
assert(masterSecret == recoveredSecret);
print("Recovered secret: $recoveredSecret");
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✅ Add unit tests.
✅ Test with the reference code's test vectors.
❌ Refactor the helpers to different helper classes e.g. CryptoHelper(), ShamirHelper() etc.
✅ Add JSON representation, see JSON representation below.
❌ Refactor to much simpler code.

JSON Representation #
See in an example code from eample/example.dart below:
import 'dart:convert';

import 'package:slip39/slip39.dart';

void main() {
String masterSecret = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP";
String passphrase = "TREZOR";

// RFC 4627 compliant JSON
final jsonString = '''
"name": "Alice's shares",
"threshold": 2,
"shares" : [
"name": "Primary",
"threshold": 1,
"shares": ["Primary share"]
"name": "Secondary",
"threshold": 1,
"shares": ["Secondary share"]
"name": "Friends",
"threshold": 3,
"shares": ["Albert", "Ben", "Carol", "David", "Edward", "Fred"]
"name": "Family",
"threshold": 2,
"shares": ["Adam", "Brenda", "Cecil", "Donald", "Elissa"]

final json = jsonDecode(jsonString);

final slip = Slip39.from(
masterSecret: masterSecret.codeUnits,
passphrase: passphrase,

final masterNode = slip.fromPath('r');

final jsonText = jsonEncode(masterNode);
assert(jsonEncode(json) == jsonText);

final familyNode = masterNode.derive(3);
final familyNode2 = masterNode.deriveByName('Family');
assert(familyNode == familyNode2);

var familyShares = familyNode.mnemonics..shuffle();
familyShares = familyShares.sublist(0, 2);

// Recover from: 3 of 5 firend's shares and 2 of 6 of family shares
// three Friend's shares
var friendsShares = masterNode.deriveByName('Friends').mnemonics..shuffle();
friendsShares = friendsShares.sublist(0, 3);

final allShares = familyShares..addAll(friendsShares);

print("Shares used for restoring the master secret:");
allShares..forEach((s) => print(s));

final recoveredSecret = String.fromCharCodes(
Slip39.recoverSecret(allShares, passphrase: passphrase));
print('\nMaster secret: $masterSecret');
print("Recovered one: $recoveredSecret");
assert(masterSecret == recoveredSecret);
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Package Direcotry Structure #
The dart package directory structure follows the official dart's recommendations.
CopyRight (c) 2019 Pal Dorogi "iLap"
MIT License


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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