
Creator: coderz1093

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slowly moving widgets field

slowing_moving_widgets_field #
Pass in a list of arbitrary widgets and the slowing_moving_widgets_field widget moves them around the screen, like the old asteroids video game.
If collisionAmount is null then widgets float on top of each other (don't bounce).
If collisionAmount is non-null then widgets will bounce when they hit each other (collision detection). But, this is buggy (see below).
Returns a Stack() object. This is where the magic happens! (homage to "Wayne's World")
Example #


specify background
specify a slight amount of randomness on every impact
specify how much overlap (positive or negative) to allow before bounce
specify speed
specify "soft bounce" mode that causes close widgets to repel off of each other rather than instantaneous bounce

Bugs #

will fail (undefined results) if you try to add too many widgets; there must be adequate room to add all widgets initially so they are not overlapping
if collision detection is enabled (collisionAmount != null), sometimes the movers overlap and get stuck on top of each other--not sure why

Design Flaws #

don't like having to specify width and height more than once (see example)

Usage #
Add a new dependency line to your project/pubspec.yaml file:
slowing_moving_widgets_field: 1.0.28 # use latest version!
copied to clipboard
Don't forget to flutter pub get
Pull Requests #
Pull requests are welcome!


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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