smallgrad 1.0.2

Creator: bradpython12

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smallgrad 1.0.2

smallgrad is a minimalistic engine that implements backpropagation from scratch for neural networks. It allows users to visualize the computational graph along with the gradients and includes a script for building a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) and visualize its computational graph.

Backpropagation from Scratch: Implements a simple and understandable version of backpropagation, making it a great learning resource.
Visualize Computational Graph: Visualizes the computational graph and gradients during the forward and backward pass.
MLP Builder Script: Easily build Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs) and visualize their learning process.

If you want the latest updates:
git clone
cd smallgrad
pip install -e .

If you want the stable version:
pip install smallgrad

To render the computational graph, you also need an external dependency Graphviz.
If you want to install the dependency with conda you use the following command: conda install -c conda-forge pygraphviz.
You can install smallgrad also with Docker, in which contains also the external Graphviz dependency:
cd smallgrad
docker -t smallgrad .

To use smallgrad, you can run the provided script to create an MLP and visualize the computational graph:
usage: smallgrad [-h] [--save_dir SAVE_DIR] --input INPUT [INPUT ...] --output OUTPUT [OUTPUT ...] [--activation ACTIVATION]


save_dir: Directory to save the visualization of the computational graph.
input: Specify the input features for the MLP.
output: Specify the output dimensions of each hidden and output layer of the MLP.
activation: Choose the activation function (only relu and tanh are supported at the moment) for the MLP layers.

Example Usage:
smallgrad --input 2 4 --output 3 1 --activation relu --save_dir ./graphs

With Docker:
docker run --rm --name smallgrad -v host_path_to_save:/graphs smallgrad --input 1 1 --output 2 1 --activation relu --save_dir /graphs


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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