
Creator: coderz1093

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smart bluetooth pos printer

smart_bluetooth_pos_printer #

A library to discover printers, and send printer commands.
This library allows to print esc commands to printers in different platforms such as android, ios, windows and different interfaces as Bluetooth and BLE
Inspired by flutter_pos_printer_platform.
Main Features #

Android, iOS and Windows support
Scan for bluetooth devices
Send raw List<int> bytes data to a device, review this library to generate ESC/POS commands flutter_esc_pos_utils.

Features #


Bluetooth classic interface

Allows connection with classic bt devices.

Bluetooth low energy (BLE) interface

Allows connection with bt BLE devices.


Starts a scan for only Bluetooth devices or network devices(Android/iOS).


Establishes a connection to the device.


Cancels an active or pending connection to the device.


Stream of state changes for the Bluetooth Device.


print bytes.

Getting Started #
For a full example please check /example folder. Here are only the most important parts of the code to illustrate how to use the library.
Generate bytes to print through flutter_esc_pos_utils.
import 'package:esc_pos_utils/esc_pos_utils.dart';

final profile = await CapabilityProfile.load();
final generator = Generator(PaperSize.mm58, profile);
List<int> bytes = [];

bytes += generator.text('Test Print', styles: const PosStyles(align:;
bytes += generator.text('Product 1');
bytes += generator.text('Product 2');
copied to clipboard
Android #
Allow to connect bluetooth (classic and BLE), USB and network devices
Change the minSdkVersion for Android #
smart_bluetooth_pos_printer is compatible only from version 21 of Android SDK so you should change this in android/app/build.gradle:
In build.gradle set
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 21
targetSdkVersion 31
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select type of device PrinterType ( bluetooth, usb, network)
if select bluetooth you can send optional params

isBle -> allow to connect with bluetooth that supports this technology
autoconnect -> allow to reconnect when state of device is None

iOS #
Allow to connect bluetooth (BLE) and network devices
How to use it #
init a PrinterManager instance #
import 'package:smart_bluetooth_pos_printer/smart_bluetooth_pos_printer.dart';

var printerManager = PrinterManager.instance;

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scan #
var devices = [];
_scan({bool isBle = false}) {
// Find printers
PrinterManager.instance.discovery(isBle: isBle).listen((device) {
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connect #
_connectDevice(PrinterDevice selectedPrinter, {bool reconnect = false, bool isBle = false}) async {
await printerManager.connect(
model: BluetoothPrinterInput(
name: selectedPrinter!.deviceName,
address: selectedPrinter!.address!,
isBle: selectedPrinter!.isBle ?? false,
autoConnect: _reconnect));
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disconnect #
_disconnectDevice() async {
await PrinterManager.instance.disconnect();
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listen bluetooth state #
PrinterManager.instance.stateBluetooth.listen((status) {
log(' ----------------- status bt $status ------------------ ');
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send bytes to print #
_sendBytesToPrint(List<int> bytes) async {
PrinterManager.instance.send(bytes: bytes);

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Troubleshooting #
error:'State restoration of CBCentralManager is only allowed for applications that have specified the "bluetooth-central" background mode'
info.plist add:
<string>Allow App use bluetooth?</string>
<string>Allow App use bluetooth?</string>
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Support me #
If you think that this project has helped you with your developments, you can support this project, any support is much appreciated.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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