
Creator: coderz1093

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Smartdata - Creating Random Typesafe Test Data #
Code generator for generating type-safe generators to generate a random amount of test data in dart


Overview #

Add smartdata as a dependency, and smartdata_generator as a dev_dependency
Annotate your method with the @SmartdataInit Annotation and configure the classes for which to generate Datagenerators.
Run the build_runner
Use the generated Generator!

Installation #
Add smartdata as a dependency, and the generator as a dev_dependency.
smartdata: [version]

smartdata_generator: [version]
# add build runner if not already added
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Run the generator
dart run build_runner build
flutter packages pub run build_runner build
// or watch
flutter packages pub run build_runner watch
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Usage #
There are 2 ways, on how to setup Smartdata.
You can automatically generate Datagenerators with the included @SmartdataInit Annotation or manually create them.
Automatically generate your generators #
Create your beans.
class Dog {
final String breed;
final int age;
final String name;
Dog(this.breed, this.age,;
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To generate a Datagenerator for this bean, you need to initialize it.
// dog_test.dart
@SmartdataInit(forClasses: [Dog])
void init() {
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Once you ran the generator, next to your dog_test.dart a will be generated.
dart run build_runner build
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class DogGenerator extends Generator {
Simple generateRandom() {
final dog = Dog(
return dog;

$init() {
Smartdata.put(Dog, DogGenerator());
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The Generator supports positional arguments, named arguments and property access via implicit and explicit setters.
The generated Class can then be used in your tests.
@SmartdataInit(forClasses: [Dog])
void init() {

void main() {
setUp(init); // make sure to call the init, to initialize the generator map
test('should create lots of random dogs', () {
final testData = Smartdata.I.get<Dog>(50);
expect(testData.length, 50);
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Manually create your generator #
For flexibility or other reasons you can create your own generator.
Just implement the included Generator class, and add an instance to the Smartdata singleton.
class CustomDogGenerator extends Generator<Dog> {
Dog generateRandom() {
return Dog('German Shepherd', 1, 'Donald'); // completely random

void init() {
// $init() in case you also want to initialize your automatically generated generators
Smartdata.put(Dog, CustomDogGenerator());
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And make sure to call init before running the test.
void main() {
setUp(init); // make sure to call the init, to initialize the generator map
test('should create lots of custom random dogs', () {
final testData = Smartdata.I.get<Dog>(50);
expect(testData.length, 50);
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Implementation #
How does it work? Behind the scenes is just a Generator class, which can be implemented by everyone.
abstract class Generator<T> {
T generateRandom();
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This package provides default implementations for common primitive types, such as Strings, ints, nums and booleans.
class StringGenerator extends Generator<String> {
final _random = Random();
final _strings = ['bulbasaur', 'ivysaur', 'venosaur'];
String generateRandom() {
return _strings[_random.nextInt(_strings.length)];
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These generators are maintained by a static Map, and can be accessed via the Smartdata Singleton.
// generates a list of 10 random strings
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Examples #
Please refer to the example package, for a list of examples and how to use the Smartdata.
You can always run the examples by navigating to the examples package and executing the generator.
$ dart pub get
$ dart run build_runner build
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Roadmap #
Feel free to open a Pull Request, if you'd like to contribute.
Or just open an issue, and i do my level best to deliver.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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