smartdoor 2.0.1

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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smartdoor 2.0.1

Smartdoor client system

Smartdoor system including NFC card detecting, key locking/unlocking, turning LED on/off, etc. with Raspberry Pi.
Default circuit diagram
The default circuit diagram is shown below. If you want to use other GPIO pin numbers, please edit the configuration file (see below).
not yet updated
Quick Installation
sudo python -m pip install smartdoor

Before getting started
smartdoor_host system
Smartdoor Host system which serves the web application for NFC key management must be run. Please
install and deploy it in adavnce. (see here).
pigpio library
pigpio library enables hardware control for PWM signals. This is the optional library for smartdoor package. If you want to use it, please install it in advance (see here) and run the daemon by the following command:
sudo pigpiod

It is recommended to run the daemon automatically at the system startup. If pigpio is installed
and impotable from Python, smartdoor package will automatically register it in systemd service (see below).
NFC reader permission
To access NFC reader, the permission of the device file must be set. Please execute the following.
sudo sh -c 'echo SUBSYSTEM==\"usb\", ACTION==\"add\", ATTRS{idVendor}==\"054c\", ATTRS{idProduct}==\"06c3\", GROUP=\"plugdev\" >> /etc/udev/rules.d/nfcdev.rules'
sudo udevadm control -R

Then, reboot the system.
This instruction is based on the result of python -m nfc command. If you use other NFC reader, please change the idVendor and idProduct according to your device.
How to use
Almost all the operations are done by the smartdoor command. Please see the help message for the
smartdoor --help

1. Set up the configuration file
The default configuration file ca be generated by the following command:
smartdoor config --generate

The configuration file is located at ~/.config/smartdoor.toml. Please edit it according to your environment.
2. Run the main program for testing
The main program can be executed by the following command:
smartdoor start

If you want to specify door is locked/unlocked, add --locked/--unlocked option, by default
the door is locked.
The main program will be run in the foreground. If you want stop the program, press Ctrl+C.
3. Set up the auto start
The main program can be automatically run by systemd service. To register the smartdoor.service
to systemd, execute the following command:
smartdoor service --register

Then, the service will be ready for start. Simaltenously, the pigpiod service will be registered
if pigpio library is installed.
To manually start it, execute the following command:
smartdoor service --start

Please see the help message for other options:
smartdoor service --help


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