smlight-cc-flasher 0.1.0

Creator: bradpython12

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smlightccflasher 0.1.0

Firmware flasher for Texas Instruments CC13xx / CC26xx Zigbee SoCs.
$ pip install smlight-cc-flasher

While this flasher was based on cc2538-bsl, some CLI options have changed:

-p, --port is now -d, --device for input /dev/ttyUSB0 or socket://host:port
New --host to specify network host, as alternative to -d socket://host:port, however if specified with USB -d /dev/ttyUSB0, will attempt network BSL only.
-p, --port now specifies network port (default 6638)
New --m33 option, required for CC2654P10 chips (i.e SLZB-0xP10)
New -bootloader-reset <mode> to specify BSL mode
--read now outputs to dedicated file specified with --output <file>
Some other options removed.

See smlight-cc-flasher --help for more details.
Flashing Firmware Examples
USB (on Linux/Mac will attempt to autodetect device if not specified):
$ smlight-cc-flasher -ewv \
[-d /dev/ttyUSB0] znp_LP_CC1352P7.hex

SLZB-06x over network:
$ smlight-cc-flasher -ewv \
--host slzb-06.local [--port 6638] \

$ smlight-cc-flasher -ewv \
--device socket:// \

SLZB-06P10 USB flash with network bootloader (currently SLZB authentication is not supported):
$ smlight-cc-flasher -ewv \
--device /dev/ttyUSB0 --host slzb-06.local --m33 \

Other notes
Bootloader settings from the new firmware are displayed before flashing. If the new firmware disables bootloader you are required to provide the --force flag to proceed with flashing.
For all the CC13xx and CC26xx families, the ROM bootloader is configured through the BL_CONFIG 'register' in CCFG. BOOTLOADER_ENABLE should be set to 0xC5 to enable the bootloader in the first place.
This is enough if the chip has not been programmed with a valid image. If a valid image is present, then the remaining fields of BL_CONFIG and the ERASE_CONF register must also be configured correctly:

Select a DIO by setting BL_PIN_NUMBER
Select an active level (low/high) for the DIO by setting BL_LEVEL
Enable 'failure analysis' by setting BL_ENABLE to 0xC5
Make sure the BANK_ERASE command is enabled: The BANK_ERASE_DIS_N bit in the ERASE_CONF register in CCFG must be set. BANK_ERASE is enabled by default.

Tim Lunn (c) 2024,
Based on cc2358-bsl by:
Jelmer Tiete (c) 2014,
Loosely based on stm32loader by Ivan A-R


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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