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[UNMAINTAINED] This project is unmaintained #
Flutter SMS #
This is an SMS library for flutter.
It only support Android for now (I can't do it for iOS because I don't own Mac).
Getting Started #
For help getting started with Flutter, view our online
For help on editing plugin code, view the documentation.
Installation and Usage #
Once you're familiar with Flutter you may install this package adding sms (0.1.4 or higher) to the dependencies list
of the pubspec.yaml file as follow:
sdk: flutter

sms: ^0.2.0
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Then run the command flutter packages get on the console.
Querying SMS messages #
Add the import statement for sms and create an instance of the SmsQuery class:
import 'package:sms/sms.dart';

void main() {
SmsQuery query = new SmsQuery();

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Getting all SMS messages #
List<SmsMessage> messages = await query.getAllSms;
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Note: the use of await keyword means that getAllSms is resolved asynchronously
and a Future is retorned.
Filtering SMS messages #
The method querySms from the SmsQuery class returns a list of sms depending of the supplied parameters. For example,
for querying all the sms messages sent and received write the followed code:
await query.querySms({
kinds: [SmsQueryKind.Inbox, SmsQueryKind.Sent]
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You can also query all the sms messages sent and received from a specific contact:
await query.querySms({
address: getContactAddress()
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Getting all Threads Conversations #
With SmsQuery you can also get the entire list of conversations:
List<SmsThread> threads = await query.getAllThreads;
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Getting the Contact info #
Each conversation thread is related with a Contact.
The class Contact contains all the info of a thread contact (address, photo, full name).
To get access to Contact class you must import 'package:sms/contact.dart' into your dart file:
import 'package:sms/contact.dart';

void main() {
Contact contact =;
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Querying Contact #
You can also query a contact by its address (phone number):
import 'package:sms/contact.dart';

void main() {
ContactQuery contacts = new ContactQuery();
Contact contact = await contacts.queryContact(someAddress());
String getAddress() {...}
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The Contact photo #
You can retrieve the photo of the contact (full size or thumbnail):
Uint8List fullSize =;
Uint8List thumbnail = contact.thumbnail.bytes;
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User Profile #
Some times it is useful to request basic info of the phone owner, like the contact photo, addresses, etc.
import 'package:sms/contact.dart';

UserProfileProvider provider = new UserProfileProvider();
UserProfile profile = await provider.getUserProfile();
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Sending SMS #
What about sending a SMS? All you have to do is to create an instance of the SmsSender class:
import 'package:sms/sms.dart';

void main() {
SmsSender sender = new SmsSender();
String address = someAddress();
sender.sendSms(new SmsMessage(address, 'Hello flutter!'));
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To be notified when the message is sent and/or delivered, you must add a listener to your message:
import 'package:sms/sms.dart';

void main() {
SmsSender sender = new SmsSender();
String address = someAddress();
SmsMessage message = new SmsMessage(address, 'Hello flutter!');
message.onStateChanged.listen((state) {
if (state == SmsMessageState.Sent) {
print("SMS is sent!");
} else if (state == SmsMessageState.Delivered) {
print("SMS is delivered!");
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Some times it is useful to be notified of delivered messages regardless of the message. To do that you must subscribe to the onSmsDelivered of the SmsSender class instance:
void main() {
SmsSender sender = new SmsSender();
sender.onSmsDelivered.listen((SmsMessage message){
print('${message.address} received your message.');
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You can also send with another SimCard:
void main() {
SimCardsProvider provider = new SimCardsProvider();
SimCard card = await provider.getSimCards()[0];
SmsSender sender = new SmsSender();
SmsMessage message = new SmsMessage("address", "message");
sender.sendSMS(message, simCard: card);
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Note: Using the onSmsDelivered from the SmsSender will only notify to listeners of messages that has been sent through SmsSender.send().
Receiving SMS #
If you want to be notified for incoming new messages you must subscribe to an instance of the SmsReceiver class:
import 'package:sms/sms.dart';

void main() {
SmsReceiver receiver = new SmsReceiver();
receiver.onSmsReceived.listen((SmsMessage msg) => print(msg.body));
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Roadmap #

✅ SMS Receiver
✅ SMS Sender
✅ SMS Delivery
✅ SMS Query
✅ SMS Thread
❌ MMS Receiver
❌ MMS Sender
❌ MMS Delivery
❌ MMS Query
❌ Multi Sim Card
✅ Contact
✅ Contact Photo (full size, thumbnail)
✅ User profile (basic info)

Contributors #

babariviere github
joanpablo github
saifulfrank github

App logo #
Designed and created by Imrul kayes
Contributions #
Any contribution is welcome.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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