snakespace 0.1.12

Creator: bradpython12

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snakespace 0.1.12

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SnakeSpace is a module for building label namespaces from attribute chaining and args/kwargs
Creating a good label for a file or a key is hard. In Python, str labels are usually either made via format strings or string concatenation. First and foremost, format strings are great! However they are so dynamic, if you are not careful you can end up with a complicated expression, you also have to include those pesky f and {} characters. String concatenation can also get very messy as putting strings together can turn into a complicated algebraic expression. Now there is an alternative with SnakeSpace!
With SnakeSpace you type just what you want as a chain of attributes! The expression S.yo.hey.woohoo is totally valid! Now labels can be created with ease! Or at least in a different style...
This repo uses, so it follows the standard Python install routine
pip install -U snakespace

Or if you want to install from source
git clone
cd SnakeSpace
python3 install

Examples and Behavior
With SnakeSpace you can create label namespaces from chaining attributes.
from snakespace import SnakeSpace
S = SnakeSpace()

print( # -> ''

You can also use the s function to supply custom arguments
from snakespace import SnakeSpace
S = SnakeSpace()

print( # -> 'my.favorite.number.1301'

print(S.yay.kwargs.s(1, 2, third=3)) # -> 'yay.kwargs.1.2.3'

print(S.shoop.s('da').whoop) # -> 'shoop.da.whoop'

If you don't like using periods as the default separator, you can change it using the special attribute separator
from snakespace import SnakeSpace
S = SnakeSpace()

print(S.a.b.c) # -> 'a.b.c'
S.separator = '/'
print(S.a.b.c) # -> 'a/b/c'

Note! You can't chain attributes with .separator
SnakeSpace behaves in between a str, and it's own custom object.
SnakeSpace will behave like a str when being operated on with another str ex: S.a + 'woop' # -> 'awoop. However SnakeSpace have slightly different behavior when being operated on by other SnakeSpaces to support common namespacing operations
SnakeSpace can be used for composing and comparing other SnakeSpaces.
You can see if a SnakeSpace is a subspace of another by using in
from snakespace import SnakeSpace
S = SnakeSpace()

print(S.a.b.c in S.a) # -> True
print(S.potato in S.a) # -> False
print(,2) in # -> True

SnakeSpaces can be compared, composed, and operated on
from snakespace import SnakeSpace
S = SnakeSpace()

# order (lexicographic)
print( < # -> True
print(S.a.b.c > S.a.b > S.a) # -> True

# equality
print(S.a == S.a) # -> True

# addition
print(S.a + S.b) # -> 'a.b'

# size
print(len( # -> 3

# items
print(S.a.b.c[1]) # -> 'b'

# superspace
print(S.a % S.a.b.c) # -> True
print(S.a.b.c.d % S.a.b.c) # -> False

Snakespace also comes with multiple common python str methods that are applied element wise in a Snakespace opposed to being operated on the whole resulting string.
SnakeSpace objects have some reserved attributes that cannot be used to building namespace labels.

Any dunder methods/attributes (It's best just to avoid building anything with a start of a double underscore)
Any of these common string attributes

['capitalize', 'casefold', 'count', 'encode', 'endswith',
'find', 'index', 'isalnum', 'isalpha', 'isdecimal',
'isdigit', 'isidentifier', 'islower', 'isnumeric', 'isprintable',
'isspace', 'istitle', 'isupper', 'ljust', 'lower',
'lstrip', 'partition', 'replace', 'rfind', 'rindex',
'rjust', 'rpartition', 'rstrip', 's', 'separator',
'startswith', 'strip', 'swapcase', 'title', 'translate', 'upper', 'zfill']

Fun examples
Easily make a bunch of keys for a dict
from random import randint
from snakespace import SnakeSpace
S = SnakeSpace()
D = {}

for i in range(10):
D[] = randint(0,10)

make a bunch of files with a name schema, then easily filter them
from uuid import uuid4
from pathlib import Path as Pth
import tempfile as tmpf
from snakespace import SnakeSpace

S = SnakeSpace(separator='/')
tmp_dir = tmpf.TemporaryDirectory()

## Make some files
for i in range(10):

for f in Pth(
if S.a < S([-1]) < S.z:


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