
Creator: coderz1093

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snappy list view

Beta version
SnappyListView provides you with everything to make your list snap to each element - essentially
like a PageView widget, but while displaying every element in a list format. This means that this
widget also enables you to have different sizes of items. Main features include:

Different and variable sizes of items in both scroll- and orthogonal direction size
Configurable overscroll snapping physics (overscroll multiple pages when high velocity)
List visualisation (customize or choose out of a range functions, such as wheel, carousel, or
Full control where your items should snap in the viewport and on each item
Simply use a PageController to get feedback and control your list

Important Note: This widget behaves just like a PageView widget. Meaning that any usage in a
Column, Stack or else where equals the usage of a PageView.
Features #
This is a beta version of this plugin, no visual features are yet available
Usage #
itemCount: Colors.accents.length,itemBuilder: (
context, index) {
return Container(
height: 100,
color: Colors.accents.elementAt(index),
child: Text("Index: $index"),
copied to clipboard
Tip: full interactive example in ./example folder.
Main Parameters #

required int itemCount - your item count, if it changes simply call setState() on the widget
required Widget Function(BuildContext, int) itemBuilder - builder for your items (building only the ones that are needed)
PageController controller- use the known PageController with functions such as jumpTo(index), animateTo(index), .currentPage, etc.
ScrollPhysics? physics - add your custom snap physics such you own (mass, stiffness, damping)
bool itemSnapping - control whether your list should snap
bool reverse - reverse the list (just like in ListView)
ItemPositionsListener itemPositionsListener - listen to the exact item position in the viewport
void Function(int index, double size)? onPageChanged - get feedback on the current changing index and size
void Function(double index, double size)? onPageChange - get feedback on the current index and size change
PageOverscrollPhysics? overscrollPhysics - configure how "fast" a overscroll should happen
ListVisualisation visualisation - display items like carousel, perspective, wheel, etc. (and custom)
SnapAlignment snapAlignment- where the snap point is supposed to be on in the viewport. Dynamic behavior is also possible.
SnapAlignment snapOnItemAlignment - where the snap point is supposed to be on each item. Dynamic behavior is also possible.

And many more such as (scrollBehavior,minCacheExtent,onPageChanged, etc. )
Additional information #
Contributions are very welcome and are merged after testing within hours.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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