sniffer-positivedegree 0.1.8

Creator: bradpython12

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snifferpositivedegree 0.1.8

Small piece of software running on-board (Omega2S+) sniffers to gather sensors data and operate some board control.
MQTT publisher: live data
Running the starts a publisher client that will continually read the board's data via Modbus and send it to the .../system_data MQTT topic.
The Modbus communication is done over Serial by default, but can be configured for TCP clients.
MQTT subscriber: update automation
Running the starts a subscriber client that listens on the .../update topic. When receiving a message on this topic,
the script will be called, executing a git pull and rebooting the module.
Setup on the Omega2S+
1. Configure the system timezone
We want to make sure that the onion is configured at the correct timezone for the data to be accurate.

List all the timezones with onion time list
Scroll through the available zones and copy the line that represents your
Set the correct timezone with onion time set <timezone> <timezone string>
For more details, you can follow this tutorial.

2. Install basic packages

Install python3 light with opkg install python3-light
Install git with opkg install git git-http ca-bundle
Install pip for python3 with opkg install python3-pip

3. Clone the repository and install requirements
The automation requires the omega to do a git pull when receiving an update. By using a personnal access token to clone the repository at first,
we don't have to authenticate with git for subsequent pulls. Anyways, since 2020 using password-based authentication for Git is deprecated, and using a PAT is more secure.
For more information, see Creating a personal access token.

Go to the root directory of the onion
Clone the repository with git clone
In the project folder, install the required libraries with pip3 install -r requirements.txt
If the app has to communicate modbus over TCP, install pymodbus with pip3 install -U pymodbus

4. Configure the app with the appropriate info
Some environment variables have to be configured into your environment for the application to work.
(They can also be added in a .env file for development).
The necessary variables are listed in the .env.example file and can be sourced with bash. To make those
variables persistent on a Linux system, add them in a bash (.sh) file in /etc/profile.d.
On the Onion, the python-dotenv library is used to read the environment variables for the script, so make sure
you have a .env file that is populated with your configuration.
3. Start sniffer code on boot
The contains the commands to launch the publisher and subscriber clients. Hence, we just have to call this script on boot to start them.

edit the /etc/rc.local file on the Omega
add the line sh /root/Mark-II-sniffer/scripts/ <mode> <protocol> &
the mode is either 'sniffer' or 'controller' and the protocol 'tcp' or 'serial'
If the app has to communicate modbus over TCP, we presume it won't run on the Onion.
Hence, you can use the PM2 process manager or another method to start the script on boot/reboot for your system.

For further reference, see the full Onion documentation.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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