snowflake-connector-python 3.12.2

Creator: bradpython12

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snowflakeconnectorpython 3.12.2

This package includes the Snowflake Connector for Python, which conforms to the Python DB API 2.0 specification:
Snowflake Documentation is available at:
Source code is also available at:
Release Notes

v3.12.2(September 11,2024)

Improved error handling for asynchronous queries, providing more detailed and informative error messages when an async query fails.
Improved inference of top-level domains for accounts specifying a region in China, now defaulting to
Improved implementation of the snowflake.connector.util_text.random_string to reduce the likelihood of collisions.
Updated the log level for OCSP fail-open warning messages from ERROR to WARNING.

v3.12.1(August 20,2024)

Fixed a bug that logged the session token when renewing a session.
Fixed a bug where disabling client telemetry did not work.
Fixed a bug where passing login_timeout as a string raised a TypeError during the login retry step.
Use pathlib instead of os for default config file location resolution.
Removed upper cryptogaphy version pin.
Removed reference to script snowflake-export-certs (its backing module was already removed long ago)
Enhanced retry mechanism for handling transient network failures during query result polling when no server response is received.

v3.12.0(July 24,2024)

Set default connection timeout of 10 seconds and socket read timeout of 10 minutes for HTTP calls in file transfer.
Optimized to_pandas() performance by fully parallel downloading logic.
Fixed a bug that specifying client_session_keep_alive_heartbeat_frequency in snowflake-sqlalchemy could crash the connector.
Fixed incorrect type hint of connection parameter private_key.
Added support for connectivity to multiple domains.
Bumped keyring dependency from >=23.1.0,<25.0.0 to >=23.1.0,<26.0.0.
Disabled OOB Telemetry.

v3.11.0(June 17,2024)

Added support for token_file_path connection parameter to read an OAuth token from a file when connecting to Snowflake.
Added support for debug_arrow_chunk connection parameter to allow debugging raw arrow data in case of arrow data parsing failure.
Added support for disable_saml_url_check connection parameter to disable SAML URL check in OKTA authentication.
Fixed a bug that OCSP certificate signed using SHA384 algorithm cannot be verified.
Fixed a bug that status code shown as uploaded when PUT command failed with 400 error.
Fixed a bug that a PermissionError was raised when the current user does not have the right permission on parent directory of config file path.
Fixed a bug that OCSP GET url is not encoded correctly when it contains a slash.
Fixed a bug that an SSO URL didn't accept : in a query parameter, for instance,

v3.10.1(May 21, 2024)

Removed an incorrect error log message that could occur during arrow data conversion.

v3.10.0(April 29,2024)

Added support for structured types to fetch_pandas_all.
Fixed an issue relating to incorrectly formed China S3 endpoints.

v3.9.1(April 22,2024)

Fixed an issue that caused a HTTP 400 error when connecting to a China endpoint.

v3.9.0(April 20,2024)

Added easy logging configuration so that users can easily generate log file by setup log config in $SNOWFLAKE_HOME/config.toml.
Improved s3 acceleration logic when connecting to China endpoint.

v3.8.1(April 09, 2024)

Reverted the change "Updated write_pandas to skip TABLE IF NOT EXISTS in truncate mode." introduced in v3.8.0 (yanked) as it's a breaking change. write_pandas will be fixed in the future in a non-breaking way.

v3.8.0(April 04,2024)

Improved externalbrowser auth in containerized environments

Instruct browser to not fetch /favicon on success page
Simple retry strategy on empty socket.recv
Add SNOWFLAKE_AUTH_SOCKET_REUSE_PORT flag (usage: SNOWFLAKE_AUTH_SOCKET_REUSE_PORT=true) to set the underlying socket's SO_REUSEPORT flag (described in the socket man page)

Useful when the randomized port used in the localhost callback url is being followed before the container engine completes port forwarding to host
Statically map a port between your host and container and allow that port to be reused in rapid succession with:

Add SNOWFLAKE_AUTH_SOCKET_MSG_DONTWAIT flag (usage: SNOWFLAKE_AUTH_SOCKET_MSG_DONTWAIT=true) to make a non-blocking socket.recv call and retry on Error

Consider using this if running in a containerized environment and externalbrowser auth frequently hangs while waiting for callback
NOTE: this has not been tested extensively, but has been shown to improve the experience when using WSL

Added support for parsing structured type information in schema queries.
Bumped platformdirs from >=2.6.0,<4.0.0 to >=2.6.0,<5.0.0
Updated diagnostics to use systemallowlistinsteadofsystemwhitelist.
Updated write_pandas to skip TABLE IF NOT EXISTS in truncate mode.
Improved cleanup logic for connection to rely on interpreter shutdown instead of the __del__ method.
Updated the logging level from INFO to DEBUG when logging the executed query using SnowflakeCursor.execute.
Fixed a bug that the truncated password in log is not masked.

v3.7.1(February 21, 2024)

Bumped pandas dependency from >=1.0.0,<2.2.0 to >=1.0.0,<3.0.0.
Bumped cryptography dependency from <42.0.0,>=3.1.0 to >=3.1.0,<43.0.0.
Bumped pyOpenSSL dependency from >=16.2.0,<24.0.0 to >=16.2.0,<25.0.0.
Fixed a memory leak in decimal data conversion.
Fixed a bug where write_pandas wasn't truncating the target table.
Bumped keyring dependency lower bound to 23.1.0 to address security vulnerability.

v3.7.0(January 25,2024)

Added a new boolean parameter force_return_table to SnowflakeCursor.fetch_arrow_all to force returning pyarrow.Table in case of zero rows.
Cleanup some C++ code warnings and performance issues.
Added support for Python 3.12
Make local testing more robust against implicit assumptions.
Fixed PyArrow Table type hinting
Added support for connecting using an existing connection via the session and master token.
Added support for connecting to Snowflake by authenticating with multiple SAML IDP using external browser.
Added support for structured types (OBJECT, MAP, ARRAY) to nanoarrow converters.
Fixed compilation issue due to missing cstdint header on gcc13.
Improved config permissions warning message.

v3.6.0(December 09,2023)

Added support for Vector types
Changed urllib3 version pin to only affect Python versions < 3.10.
Support for private_key_file and private_key_file_pwd connection parameters
Added a new flag expired to SnowflakeConnection class, that keeps track of whether the connection's master token has expired.
Fixed a bug where date insertion failed when date format is set and qmark style binding is used.

v3.5.0(November 13,2023)

Version 3.5.0 is the snowflake-connector-python purely built upon apache arrow-nanoarrow project.

Reduced the wheel size to ~1MB and installation size to ~5MB.
Removed a hard dependency on a specific version of pyarrow.

Deprecated the usage of the following class/variable/environment variable for the sake of pure nanoarrow converter:

Deprecated class snowflake.connector.cursor.NanoarrowUsage.
Deprecated environment variable NANOARROW_USAGE.
Deprecated module variable snowflake.connector.cursor.NANOARROW_USAGE.

v3.4.1(November 08,2023)

Bumped vendored urllib3 to 1.26.18
Bumped vendored requests to 2.31.0

v3.4.0(November 03,2023)

Added support for use_logical_type in write_pandas.
Removed dependencies on pycryptodomex and oscrypto. All connections now go through OpenSSL via the cryptography library, which was already a dependency.
Fixed issue with ingesting files over 80 GB to S3.
Added the backoff_policy argument to snowflake.connector.connect allowing for configurable backoff policy between retries of failed requests. See available implementations in the backoff_policies module.
Added the socket_timeout argument to snowflake.connector.connect specifying socket read and connect timeout.
Fixed login_timeout and network_timeout behaviour. Retries of login and network requests are now properly halted after these timeouts expire.
Fixed bug for issue in vendored urllib.
Add User-Agent header for diagnostic report for tracking.

v3.3.1(October 16,2023)

Added for non-Windows platforms command suggestions (chown/chmod) for insufficient file permissions of config files.
Fixed issue with connection diagnostics failing to complete certificate checks.
Fixed issue that arrow iterator causes ImportError when the c extensions are not compiled.

v3.3.0(October 10,2023)

Updated to Apache arrow-nanoarrow project for result arrow data conversion.
Introduced the NANOARROW_USAGE environment variable to allows switching between the nanoarrow converter and the arrow converter. Valid values include:

FOLLOW_SESSION_PARAMETER, which uses the converter configured in the server.
DISABLE_NANOARROW, which uses arrow converter, overriding the server setting.
ENABLE_NANOARROW, which uses the nanoarrow converter, overriding the server setting.

Introduced the snowflake.connector.cursor.NanoarrowUsage enum, whose members include:

NanoarrowUsage.FOLLOW_SESSION_PARAMETER, which uses the converter configured in the server.
NanoarrowUsage.DISABLE_NANOARROW, which uses arrow converter, overriding the server setting.
NanoarrowUsage.ENABLE_NANOARROW, which uses the nanoarrow converter, overriding the server setting.

Introduced the snowflake.connector.cursor.NANOARROW_USAGE module variable to allow switching between the nanoarrow converter and the arrow converter. It works in conjunction with the snowflake.connector.cursor.NanoarrowUsage enum.
The newly-introduced environment variable, enum, and module variable are temporary. They will be removed in a future release when switch from arrow to nanoarrow for data conversion is complete.

v3.2.1(September 26,2023)

Fixed a bug where url port and path were ignored in private link oscp retry.
Added thread safety in telemetry when instantiating multiple connections concurrently.
Bumped platformdirs dependency from >=2.6.0,<3.9.0 to >=2.6.0,< and made necessary changes to allow this.
Removed the deprecation warning from the vendored urllib3 about urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl deprecation.
Improved robustness in handling authentication response.

v3.2.0(September 06,2023)

Made the parser -> manager renaming more consistent in snowflake.connector.config_manager module.
Added support for default values for ConfigOptions
Added default_connection_name to config.toml file

v3.1.1(August 28,2023)

Fixed a bug in retry logic for okta authentication to refresh token.
Support RSAPublicKey when constructing AuthByKeyPair in addition to raw bytes.
Fixed a bug when connecting through SOCKS5 proxy, the attribute proxy_header is missing on SOCKSProxyManager.
Cherry-picked onto vendored urllib3 (v1.26.15) to enable enforce_content_length by default.
Fixed a bug in tag generation of OOB telemetry event.

v3.1.0(July 31,2023)

Added a feature that lets you add connection definitions to the connections.toml configuration file. A connection definition refers to a collection of connection parameters, for example, if you wanted to define a connection named `prod``:
account = "my_account"
user = "my_user"
password = "my_password"

By default, we look for the connections.toml file in the location specified in the SNOWFLAKE_HOME environment variable (default: ~/.snowflake). If this folder does not exist, the Python connector looks for the file in the platformdirs location, as follows:

On Linux: ~/.config/snowflake/, but follows XDG settings
On Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/snowflake/
On Windows: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\snowflake\

You can determine which file is used by running the following command:
python -c "from snowflake.connector.constants import CONNECTIONS_FILE; print(str(CONNECTIONS_FILE))"

Bumped cryptography dependency from <41.0.0,>=3.1.0 to >=3.1.0,<42.0.0.

Improved OCSP response caching to remove tmp cache files on Windows.

Improved OCSP response caching to reduce the times of disk writing.

Added a parameter server_session_keep_alive in SnowflakeConnection that skips session deletion when client connection closes.

Tightened our pinning of platformdirs, to prevent their new releases breaking us.

Fixed a bug where SFPlatformDirs would incorrectly append application_name/version to its path.

Added retry reason for queries that are retried by the client.

Fixed a bug where write_pandas fails when user does not have the privilege to create stage or file format in the target schema, but has the right privilege for the current schema.

Remove Python 3.7 support.

Worked around a segfault which sometimes occurred during cache serialization in multi-threaded scenarios.

Improved error handling of connection reset error.

Fixed a bug about deleting the temporary files happened when running PUT command.

Allowed to pass type_mapper to fetch_pandas_batches() and fetch_pandas_all().

Fixed a bug where pickle.dump segfaults during cache serialization in multi-threaded scenarios.

Improved retry logic for okta authentication to refresh token if authentication gets throttled.

Note that this release does not include the changes introduced in the previous 3.1.0a1 release. Those will be released at a later time.

v3.0.4(May 23,2023)

Fixed a bug in which cursor.execute() could modify the argument statement_params dictionary object when executing a multistatement query.
Added the json_result_force_utf8_decoding connection parameter to force decoding JSON content in utf-8 when the result format is JSON.
Fixed a bug in which we cannot call SnowflakeCursor.nextset before fetching the result of the first query if the cursor runs an async multistatement query.
Bumped vendored library urllib3 to 1.26.15
Bumped vendored library requests to 2.29.0
Fixed a bug when _prefetch_hook() was not called before yielding results of execute_async().
Fixed a bug where some ResultMetadata fields were marked as required when they were optional.
Bumped pandas dependency from <1.6.0,>=1.0.0 to >=1.0.0,<2.1.0
Fixed a bug where bulk insert converts date incorrectly.
Add support for Geometry types.

v3.0.3(April 20, 2023)

Fixed a bug that prints error in logs for GET command on GCS.
Added a parameter that allows users to skip file uploads to stage if file exists on stage and contents of the file match.
Fixed a bug that occurred when writing a Pandas DataFrame with non-default index in snowflake.connector.pandas_tool.write_pandas.
Fixed a bug that occurred when writing a Pandas DataFrame with column names containing double quotes in snowflake.connector.pandas_tool.write_pandas.
Fixed a bug that occurred when writing a Pandas DataFrame with binary data in snowflake.connector.pandas_tool.write_pandas.
Improved type hint of SnowflakeCursor.execute method.
Fail instantly upon receiving 403: Forbidden HTTP response for a login-request.
Improved GET logging to warn when downloading multiple files with the same name.

v3.0.2(March 23, 2023)

Fixed a memory leak in the logging module of the Cython extension.
Fixed a bug where the put command on AWS raised AttributeError when uploading file composed of multiple parts.
Fixed a bug of incorrect type hints of SnowflakeCursor.fetch_arrow_all and SnowflakeCursor.fetchall.
Fixed a bug where snowflake.connector.util_text.split_statements swallows the final line break in the case when there are no space between lines.
Improved logging to mask tokens in case of errors.
Validate SSO URL before opening it in the browser for External browser authenticator.

v3.0.1(February 28, 2023)

Improved the robustness of OCSP response caching to handle errors in cases of serialization and deserialization.
Updated async_executes method's doc-string.
Errors raised now have a query field that contains the SQL query that caused them when available.
Fixed a bug where MFA token caching would refuse to work until restarted instead of reauthenticating.
Replaced the dependency on setuptools in favor of packaging.
Fixed a bug where AuthByKeyPair.handle_timeout should pass keyword arguments instead of positional arguments when calling AuthByKeyPair.prepare.

v3.0.0(January 26, 2023)

Fixed a bug where write_pandas did not use user-specified schema and database to create intermediate objects
Fixed a bug where HTTP response code of 429 were not retried
Fixed a bug where MFA token caching was not working
Bumped pyarrow dependency from >=8.0.0,<8.1.0 to >=10.0.1,<10.1.0
Bumped pyOpenSSL dependency from <23.0.0 to <24.0.0
During browser-based authentication, the SSO url is now printed before opening it in the browser
Increased the level of a log for when ArrowResult cannot be imported
Added a minimum MacOS version check when compiling C-extensions
Enabled fetch_arrow_all and fetch_arrow_batches to handle async query results

v2.9.0(December 9, 2022)

Fixed a bug where the permission of the file downloaded via GET command is changed
Reworked authentication internals to allow users to plug custom key-pair authenticators
Multi-statement query execution is now supported through cursor.execute and cursor.executemany

The Snowflake parameter MULTI_STATEMENT_COUNT can be altered at the account, session, or statement level. An additional argument, num_statements, can be provided to execute to use this parameter at the statement level. It must be provided to executemany to submit a multi-statement query through the method. Note that bulk insert optimizations available through executemany are not available when submitting multi-statement queries.

By default the parameter is 1, meaning only a single query can be submitted at a time
Set to 0 to submit any number of statements in a multi-statement query
Set to >1 to submit the specified exact number of statements in a multi-statement query

Bindings are accepted in the same way for multi-statements as they are for single statement queries
Asynchronous multi-statement query execution is supported. Users should still use get_results_from_sfqid to retrieve results
To access the results of each query, users can call SnowflakeCursor.nextset() as specified in the DB 2.0 API (PEP-249), to iterate through each statements results

The first statement's results are accessible immediately after calling execute (or get_results_from_sfqid if asynchronous) through the existing fetch*() methods

v2.8.3(November 28,2022)

Bumped cryptography dependency from <39.0.0 to <41.0.0
Fixed a bug where expired OCSP response cache caused infinite recursion during cache loading

v2.8.2(November 18,2022)

Improved performance of OCSP response caching
During the execution of GET commands we no longer resolve target location on the local machine
Improved performance of regexes used for PUT/GET SQL statement detection. CVE-2022-42965

v2.8.1(October 30,2022)

Bumped cryptography dependency from <37.0.0 to <39.0.0
Bumped pandas dependency from <1.5.0 to <1.6.0
Fixed a bug where write_pandas wouldn't write an empty DataFrame to Snowflake
When closing connection async query status checking is now parallelized
Fixed a bug where test logging would be enabled on Jenkins workers in non-Snowflake Jenkins machines
Enhanced the atomicity of write_pandas when overwrite is set to True

v2.8.0(September 27,2022)

Fixed a bug where rowcount was deleted when the cursor was closed
Fixed a bug where extTypeName was used even when it was empty
Updated how telemetry entries are constructed
Added telemetry for imported root packages during run-time
Added telemetry for using write_pandas
Fixed missing dtypes when calling fetch_pandas_all() on empty result
The write_pandas function now supports providing additional arguments to be used by DataFrame.to_parquet
All optional parameters of write_pandas can now be provided to pd_writer and make_pd_writer to be used with DataFrame.to_sql

v2.7.12(August 26,2022)

Fixed a bug where timestamps fetched as pandas.DataFrame or pyarrow.Table would overflow for the sake of unnecessary precision. In the case where an overflow cannot be prevented a clear error will be raised now.
Added in-file caching for OCSP response caching
The write_pandas function now supports transient tables through the new table_type argument which supersedes create_temp_table argument
Fixed a bug where calling fetch_pandas_batches incorrectly raised NotSupportedError after an async query was executed
Added support for OKTA Identity Engine

v2.7.11(July 26,2022)

Added minimum version pin to typing_extensions

v2.7.10(July 22,2022)

Release wheels are now built on manylinux2014
Bumped supported pyarrow version to >=8.0.0,<8.1.0
Updated vendored library versions requests to 2.28.1 and urllib3 to 1.26.10
Added in-memory cache to OCSP requests
Added overwrite option to write_pandas
Added attribute lastrowid to SnowflakeCursor in compliance with PEP249.
Fixed a bug where gzip compressed http requests might be garbled by an unflushed buffer
Added new connection diagnostics capabilities to snowflake-connector-python
Bumped numpy dependency from <1.23.0 to <1.24.0

v2.7.9(June 26,2022)

Fixed a bug where errors raised during get_results_from_sfqid() were missing errno
Fixed a bug where empty results containing GEOGRAPHY type raised IndexError

v2.7.8(May 28,2022)

Updated PyPi documentation link to python specific main page
Fixed an error message that appears when pandas optional dependency group is required but is not installed
Implemented the DB API 2 callproc() method
Fixed a bug where decryption took place before decompression when downloading files from stages
Fixed a bug where s3 accelerate configuration was handled incorrectly
Extra named arguments given executemany() are now forwarded to execute()
Automatically sets the application name to streamlit when streamlit is imported and application name was not explicitly set
Bumped pyopenssl dependency version to >=16.2.0,<23.0.0

v2.7.7(April 30,2022)

Bumped supported pandas version to < 1.5.0
Fixed a bug where partner name (from SF_PARTNER environmental variable) was set after connection was established
Added a new _no_retry option to executing queries
Fixed a bug where extreme timestamps lost precision

v2.7.6(March 17,2022)

Fixed missing python_requires tag in setup.cfg

v2.7.5(March 17,2022)

Added an option for partners to inject their name through an environmental variable (SF_PARTNER)
Fixed a bug where we would not wait for input if a browser window couldn't be opened for SSO login
Deprecate support for Python 3.6
Exported a type definition for SnowflakeConnection
Fixed a bug where final Arrow table would contain duplicate index numbers when using fetch_pandas_all

v2.7.4(February 05,2022)

Add Geography Types
Removing automated incident reporting code
Fixed a bug where circular reference would prevent garbage collection on some objects
Fixed a bug where DatabaseError was thrown when executing against a closed cursor instead of InterfaceError
Fixed a bug where calling executemany would crash if an iterator was supplied as args
Fixed a bug where violating NOT NULL constraint raised DatabaseError instead of IntegrityError

v2.7.3(January 22,2022)

Fixed a bug where timezone was missing from retrieved Timestamp_TZ columns
Fixed a bug where a long running PUT/GET command could hit a Storage Credential Error while renewing credentials
Fixed a bug where py.typed was not being included in our release wheels
Fixed a bug where negative numbers were mangled when fetched with the connection parameter arrow_number_to_decimal
Improved the error message that is encountered when running GET for a non-existing file
Fixed rendering of our long description for PyPi
Fixed a bug where DUO authentication ran into errors if sms authentication was disabled for the user
Add the ability to auto-create a table when writing a pandas DataFrame to a Snowflake table
Bumped the maximum dependency version of numpy from <1.22.0 to <1.23.0

v2.7.2(December 17,2021)

Added support for Python version 3.10.
Fixed an issue bug where _get_query_status failed if there was a network error.
Added the interpolate_empty_sequences connection parameter to control interpolating empty sequences into queries.
Fixed an issue where where BLOCKED was considered to be an error by is_an_error.
Added source field to Telemetry.
Increased the cryptography dependency version.
Increased the pyopenssl dependency version.
Fixed an issue where dbapi.Binary returned a string instead of bytes.
Increased the required version of numpy.
Increased the required version of keyring.
Fixed issue so that fetch functions now return a typed DataFrames and pyarrow Tables for empty results.
Added py.typed
Improved error messages for PUT/GET.
Added Cursor.query attribute for accessing last query.
Increased the required version of pyarrow.

v2.7.1(November 19,2021)

Fixed a bug where uploading a streaming file with multiple parts did not work.
JWT tokens are now regenerated when a request is retired.
Updated URL escaping when uploading to AWS S3 to match how S3 escapes URLs.
Removed the unused s3_connection_pool_size connection parameter.
Blocked queries are now be considered to be still running.
Snowflake specific exceptions are now set using Exception arguments.
Fixed an issue where use_s3_regional_url was not set correctly by the connector.

v2.7.0(October 25,2021)

Removing cloud sdks.snowflake-connector-python will not install them anymore. Recreate your virtualenv to get rid of unnecessary dependencies.
Include Standard C++ headers.
Update minimum dependency version pin of cryptography.
Fixed a bug where error number would not be added to Exception messages.
Fixed a bug where client_prefetch_threads parameter was not respected when pre-fetching results.
Update signature of SnowflakeCursor.execute's params argument.

v2.6.2(September 27,2021)

Updated vendored urllib3 and requests versions.
Fixed a bug where GET commands would fail to download files from sub directories from stages.
Added a feature where where the connector will print the url it tried to open when it is unable to open it for external browser authentication.

v2.6.1(September 16,2021)

Bump pandas version from <1.3 to <1.4
Fixing Python deprecation warnings.
Added more type-hints.
Marked HeartBeatTimer threads as daemon threads.
Force cast a column into integer in write_pandas to avoid a rare behavior that would lead to crashing.
Implement AWS signature V4 to new SDKless PUT and GET.
Removed a deprecated setuptools option from
Fixed a bug where error logs would be printed for query executions that produce no results.
Fixed a bug where the temporary stage for bulk array inserts exists.

v2.6.0(August 29,2021)

Internal change to the implementation of result fetching.
Upgraded Pyarrow version from 3.0 to 5.0.
Internal change to the implementation for PUT and GET. A new connection parameter use_new_put_get was added to toggle between implementations.
Fixed a bug where executemany did not detect the type of data it was inserting.
Updated the minimum Mac OSX build target from 10.13 to 10.14.

v2.5.1(July 31,2021)

Fixes Python Connector bug that prevents the connector from using AWS S3 Regional URL. The driver currently overrides the regional URL information with the default S3 URL causing failure in PUT.

v2.5.0(July 22,2021)

Fixed a bug in write_pandas when quote_identifiers is set to True the function would not actually quote column names.
Bumping idna dependency pin from <3,>=2.5 to >=2.5,<4
Fix describe method when running insert into ... commands

v2.4.6(June 25,2021)

Fixed a potential memory leak.
Removed upper certifi version pin.
Updated vendored libraries , urllib(1.26.5) and requests(2.25.1).
Replace pointers with UniqueRefs.
Changed default value of client_session_keep_alive to None.
Added the ability to retrieve metadata/schema without executing the query (describe method).

v2.4.5(June 15,2021)

Fix for incorrect JWT token invalidity when an account alias with a dash in it is used for regionless account URL.

v2.4.4(May 30,2021)

Fixed a segfault issue when using DictCursor and arrow result format with out of range dates.
Adds new make_pd_writer helper function

v2.4.3(April 29,2021)

Uses s3 regional URL in private links when a param is set.
New Arrow NUMBER to Decimal converter option.
Update pyopenssl requirement from <20.0.0,>=16.2.0 to >=16.2.0,<21.0.0.
Update pandas requirement from <1.2.0,>=1.0.0 to >=1.0.0,<1.3.0.
Update numpy requirement from <1.20.0 to <1.21.0.

v2.4.2(April 03,2021)

PUT statements are now thread-safe.

v2.4.1(March 04,2021)

Make connection object exit() aware of status of parameter autocommit

v2.4.0(March 04,2021)

Added support for Python 3.9 and PyArrow 3.0.x.
Added support for the upcoming multipart PUT threshold keyword.
Added support for using the PUT command with a file-like object.
Added some compilation flags to ease building conda community package.
Removed the pytz pin because it doesn't follow semantic versioning release format.
Added support for optimizing batch inserts through bulk array binding.

v2.3.10(February 01,2021)

Improved query ID logging and added request GUID logging.
For dependency checking, increased the version condition for the pyjwt package from <2.0.0 to <3.0.0.

v2.3.9(January 27,2021)

The fix to add proper proxy CONNECT headers for connections made over proxies.

v2.3.8(January 14,2021)

Arrow result conversion speed up.
Send all Python Connector exceptions to in-band or out-of-band telemetry.
Vendoring requests and urllib3 to contain OCSP monkey patching to our library only.
Declare dependency on setuptools.

v2.3.7(December 10,2020)

Added support for upcoming downscoped GCS credentials.
Tightened the pyOpenSSL dependency pin.
Relaxed the boto3 dependency pin up to the next major release.
Relaxed the cffi dependency pin up to the next major release.
Added support for executing asynchronous queries.
Dropped support for Python 3.5.

v2.3.6(November 16,2020)

Fixed a bug that was preventing the connector from working on Windows with Python 3.8.
Improved the string formatting in exception messages.
For dependency checking, increased the version condition for the cryptography package from <3.0.0 to <4.0.0.
For dependency checking, increased the version condition for the pandas package from <1.1 to <1.2.

v2.3.5(November 03,2020)

Updated the dependency on the cryptography package from version 2.9.2 to 3.2.1.

v2.3.4(October 26,2020)

Added an optional parameter to the write_pandas function to specify that identifiers should not be quoted before being sent to the server.
The write_pandas function now honors default and auto-increment values for columns when inserting new rows.
Updated the Python Connector OCSP error messages and accompanying telemetry Information.
Enabled the runtime pyarrow version verification to fail gracefully. Fixed a bug with AWS glue environment.
Upgraded the version of boto3 from 1.14.47 to 1.15.9.
Upgraded the version of idna from 2.9 to 2.10.

v2.3.3(October 05,2020)

Simplified the configuration files by consolidating test settings.
In the Connection object, the execute_stream and execute_string methods now filter out empty lines from their inputs.

v2.3.2(September 14,2020)

Fixed a bug where a file handler was not closed properly.
Fixed various documentation typos.

v2.3.1(August 25,2020)

Fixed a bug where 2 constants were removed by mistake.

v2.3.0(August 24,2020)

When the log level is set to DEBUG, log the OOB telemetry entries that are sent to Snowflake.
Fixed a bug in the PUT command where long running PUTs would fail to re-authenticate to GCP for storage.
Updated the minimum build target MacOS version to 10.13.

v2.2.10(August 03,2020)

Improved an error message for when "pandas" optional dependency group is not installed and user tries to fetch data into a pandas DataFrame. It'll now point user to our online documentation.

v2.2.9(July 13,2020)

Connection parameter validate_default_parameters now verifies known connection parameter names and types. It emits warnings for anything unexpected types or names.
Correct logging messages for compiled C++ code.
Fixed an issue in write_pandas with location determination when database, or schema name was included.
Bumped boto3 dependency version.
Fixed an issue where uploading a file with special UTF-8 characters in their names corrupted file.

v2.2.8(June 22,2020)

Switched docstring style to Google from Epydoc and added automated tests to enforce the standard.
Fixed a memory leak in DictCursor's Arrow format code.

v2.2.7(June 1,2020)

Support azure-storage-blob v12 as well as v2 (for Python 3.5.0-3.5.1) by Python Connector
Fixed a bug where temporary directory path was not Windows compatible in write_pandas function
Added out of band telemetry error reporting of unknown errors

v2.2.6(May 11,2020)

Update Pyarrow version from 0.16.0 to 0.17.0 for Python connector
Remove more restrictive application name enforcement.
Missing keyring dependency will not raise an exception, only emit a debug log from now on.
Bumping boto3 to <1.14
Fix flake8 3.8.0 new issues
Implement Python log interceptor

v2.2.5(April 30,2020)

Added more efficient way to ingest a pandas.Dataframe into Snowflake, located in snowflake.connector.pandas_tools
More restrictive application name enforcement and standardizing it with other Snowflake drivers
Added checking and warning for users when they have a wrong version of pyarrow installed

v2.2.4(April 10,2020)

Emit warning only if trying to set different setting of use_openssl_only parameter

v2.2.3(March 30,2020)

Secure SSO ID Token
Add use_openssl_only connection parameter, which disables the usage of pure Python cryptographic libraries for FIPS
Add manylinux1 as well as manylinux2010
Fix a bug where a certificate file was opened and never closed in snowflake-connector-python.
Fix python connector skips validating GCP URLs
Adds additional client driver config information to in band telemetry.

v2.2.2(March 9,2020)

Fix retry with for stability.
Support Python 3.8 for Linux and Mac.

v2.2.1(February 18,2020)

Fix use DictCursor with execute_string #248

v2.2.0(January 27,2020)

Drop Python 2.7 support
AWS: When OVERWRITE is false, which is set by default, the file is uploaded if no same file name exists in the stage. This used to check the content signature but it will no longer check. Azure and GCP already work this way.
Document Python connector dependencies on our GitHub page in addition to Snowflake docs.
Fix sqlalchemy and possibly python-connector warnings.
Fix GCP exception using the Python connector to PUT a file in a stage with auto_compress=false.
Bump up botocore requirements to 1.14.
Fix uppercaseing authenticator breaks Okta URL which may include case-sensitive elements(#257).
Fix wrong result bug while using fetch_pandas_all() to get fixed numbers with large scales.
Increase multi part upload threshold for S3 to 64MB.

v2.1.3(January 06,2020)

Fix GCP Put failed after hours

v2.1.2(December 16,2019)

Fix the arrow bundling issue for python connector on mac.
Fix the arrow dll bundle issue on windows.Add more logging.

v2.1.1(December 12,2019)

Fix GZIP uncompressed content for Azure GET command.
Add support for GCS PUT and GET for private preview.
Support fetch as numpy value in arrow result format.
Fix NameError: name 'EmptyPyArrowIterator' is not defined for Mac.
Return empty dataframe for fetch_pandas_all() api if result set is empty.

v2.1.0(December 2,2019)

Fix default ssl_context options
Pin more dependencies for Python Connector
Fix import of SnowflakeOCSPAsn1Crypto crashes Python on MacOS Catalina
Update the release note that 1.9.0 was removed
Support DictCursor for arrow result format
Upgrade Python's arrow lib to 0.15.1
Raise Exception when PUT fails to Upload Data
Handle year out of range correctly in arrow result format

v2.0.4(November 13,2019)

Increase OCSP Cache expiry time from 24 hours to 120 hours.
Fix pyarrow cxx11 abi compatibility issue
Use new query result format parameter in python tests

v2.0.3(November 1,2019)

Fix for ,Pandas fetch API did not handle the case that first chunk is empty correctly.
Updated with botocore, boto3 and requests packages to the latest version.
Pinned stable versions of Azure urllib3 packages.

v2.0.2(October 21,2019)

Fix sessions remaining open even if they are disposed manually. Retry deleting session if the connection is explicitly closed.
Fix memory leak in the new fetch pandas API
Fix Auditwheel failed with python37
Reduce the footprint of Python Connector
Support asn1crypto 1.1.x
Ensure that the cython components are present for Conda package

v2.0.1(October 04,2019)

Add asn1crypto requirement to mitigate incompatibility change

v2.0.0(September 30,2019)

Release Python Connector 2.0.0 for Arrow format change.
Fix SF_OCSP_RESPONSE_CACHE_DIR referring to the OCSP cache response file directory and not the top level of directory.
Fix Malformed certificate ID key causes uncaught KeyError.
No retry for certificate errors.
Fix In-Memory OCSP Response Cache - PythonConnector
Move AWS_ID and AWS_SECRET_KEY to their newer versions in the Python client
Fix result set downloader for ijson 2.5
Make authenticator field case insensitive earlier
Update USER-AGENT to be consistent with new format
Update Python Driver URL Whitelist to support US Gov domain
Fix memory leak in python connector panda df fetch API

v1.9.1(October 4,2019)

Add asn1crypto requirement to mitigate incompatibility change.

v1.9.0(August 26,2019) REMOVED from pypi due to dependency compatibility issues

Implement converter for all arrow data types in python connector extension
Fix arrow error when returning empty result using python connecter
Fix OCSP responder hang, AttributeError: 'ReadTimeout' object has no attribute 'message'
Update OCSP Connection timeout.
Fix RevokedCertificateError OOB Telemetry events are not sent
Uncaught RevocationCheckError for FAIL_OPEN in create_pair_issuer_subject
Fix uncaught exception in generate_telemetry_data function
Fix connector looses context after connection drop/restore by retrying IncompleteRead error.
Make tzinfo class at the module level instead of inlining

v1.8.7(August 12,2019)

Rewrote validateDefaultParameters to validate the database, schema and warehouse at connection time. False by default.
Fix OCSP Server URL problem in multithreaded env
Fix Azure Gov PUT and GET issue

v1.8.6(July 29,2019)

Reduce retries for OCSP from Python Driver
Azure PUT issue: ValueError: I/O operation on closed file
Add client information to USER-AGENT HTTP header - PythonConnector
Better handling of OCSP cache download failure

v1.8.5(July 15,2019)

Drop Python 3.4 support for Python Connector

v1.8.4(July 01,2019)

Update Python Connector to discard invalid OCSP Responses while merging caches

v1.8.3(June 17,2019)

Update Client Driver OCSP Endpoint URL for Private Link Customers
Ignore session gone 390111 when closing
Python3.4 using requests 2.21.0 needs older version of urllib3
Use Account Name for Global URL

v1.8.2 (June 03,2019)

Pendulum datatype support

v1.8.1 (May 20,2019)

Revoked OCSP Responses persists in Driver Cache + Logging Fix
Fixed DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of from '' is deprecated

v1.8.0 (May 10, 2019)

support numpy.bool_ in binding type
Add Option to Skip Request Pooling
Add OCSP_MODE metric
Fixed PUT URI issue for Windows path
OCSP SoftFail

v1.7.11 (April 22, 2019)

numpy timestamp with timezone support
qmark not binding None

v1.7.10 (April 8, 2019)

Fix the incorrect custom Server URL in Python Driver for Privatelink

v1.7.9 (March 25,2019)

Python Interim Solution for Custom Cache Server URL
Internal change for pending feature

v1.7.8 (March 12,2019)

Add OCSP signing certificate validity check

v1.7.7 (February 22,2019)

Skip HEAD operation when OVERWRITE=true for PUT
Update copyright year from 2018 to 2019 for Python

v1.7.6 (February 08,2019)

Adjusted pyasn1 and pyasn1-module requirements for Python Connector
Added idna to made pyasn1 optional for Python2

v1.7.5 (January 25, 2019)

Incorporate "kwargs" style group of key-value pairs in connection's "execute_string" function.

v1.7.4 (January 3, 2019)

Invalidate outdated OCSP response when checking cache hit
Made keyring use optional in Python Connector
Added SnowflakeNullConverter for Python Connector to skip all client side conversions
Honor CLIENT_PREFETCH_THREADS to download the result set.
Fixed the hang when region=us-west-2 is specified.
Added Python 3.7 tests

v1.7.3 (December 11, 2018)

Improved the progress bar control for SnowSQL
Fixed PUT/GET progress bar for Azure

v1.7.2 (December 4, 2018)

Refactored OCSP checks
Adjusted log level to mitigate confusions

v1.7.1 (November 27, 2018)

Fixed regex pattern warning in
Fixed 403 error for EU deployment
Fixed the epoch time to datetime object converter for Windoww

v1.7.0 (November 13, 2018)

Internal change for pending feature.

v1.6.12 (October 30, 2018)

Updated boto3 and botocore version dependeny.
Catch socket.EAI_NONAME for localhost socket and raise a better error message
Added client_session_keep_alive_heartbeat_frequency to control heartbeat timings for client_session_keep_alive.

v1.6.11 (October 23, 2018)

Fixed exit_on_error=true didn't work if PUT / GET error occurs
Fixed a backslash followed by a quote in a literal was not taken into account.
Added request_guid to each HTTP request for tracing.

v1.6.10 (September 25, 2018)

Added client_session_keep_alive support.
Fixed multiline double quote expressions PR #117 (@bensowden)
Fixed binding datetime for TIMESTAMP type in qmark binding mode. PR #118 (@rhlahuja)
Retry HTTP 405 to mitigate Nginx bug.
Accept consent response for id token cache. WIP.

v1.6.9 (September 13, 2018)

Changed most INFO logs to DEBUG. Added INFO for key operations.
Fixed the URL query parser to get multiple values.

v1.6.8 (August 30, 2018)

Updated boto3 and botocore version dependeny.

v1.6.7 (August 22, 2018)

Enforce virtual host URL for PUT and GET.
Added retryCount, clientStarTime for query-request for better service.

v1.6.6 (August 9, 2018)

Replaced pycryptodome with pycryptodomex to avoid namespace conflict with PyCrypto.
Fixed hang if the connection is not explicitly closed since 1.6.4.
Reauthenticate for externalbrowser while running a query.
Fixed remove_comments option for SnowSQL.

v1.6.5 (July 13, 2018)

Fixed the current object cache in the connection for id token use.
Added no OCSP cache server use option.

v1.6.4 (July 5, 2018)

Fixed div by zero for Azure PUT command.
Cache id token for SSO. This feature is WIP.
Added telemetry client and job timings by @dsouzam.

v1.6.3 (June 14, 2018)

Fixed binding long value for Python 2.

v1.6.2 (June 7, 2018)

Removes username restriction for OAuth. PR 86(@tjj5036)
Retry OpenSSL.SysError in tests
Updated concurrent insert test as the server improved.

v1.6.1 (May 17, 2018)

Enable OCSP Dynamic Cache server for privatelink.
Ensure the type of login_timeout attribute is int.

v1.6.0 (May 3, 2018)

Enable OCSP Cache server by default.

v1.5.8 (April 26, 2018)

Fixed PUT command error 'Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature.' for Azure deployment.

v1.5.7 (April 19, 2018)

Fixed object has no attribute errors in Python3 for Azure deployment.
Removed ContentEncoding=gzip from the header for PUT command. This caused COPY failure if autocompress=false.

v1.5.6 (April 5, 2018)

Updated boto3 and botocore version dependeny.

v1.5.5 (March 22, 2018)

Fixed TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str. PR/Issue 75 (@daniel-sali).
Updated cryptography dependency.

v1.5.4 (March 15, 2018)

Tightened pyasn and pyasn1-modules version requirements
Added OS and OS_VERSION session info.
Relaxed pycryptodome version requirements. No 3.5.0 should be used.

v1.5.3 (March 9, 2018)

Pulled back pyasn1 for OCSP check in Python 2. Python 3 continue using asn1crypto for better performance.
Limit the upper bound of pycryptodome version to less than 3.5.0 for Issue 65.

v1.5.2 (March 1, 2018)

Fixed failue in case HOME/USERPROFILE is not set.
Updated boto3 and botocore version dependeny.

v1.5.1 (February 15, 2018)

Prototyped oauth. Won't work without the server change.
Retry OCSP data parse failure
Fixed paramstyle=qmark binding for SQLAlchemy

v1.5.0 (January 26, 2018)

Removed pyasn1 and pyasn1-modules from the dependency.
Prototyped key pair authentication.
Fixed OCSP response cache expiration check.

v1.4.17 (January 19, 2018)

Adjusted pyasn1 and pyasn1-modules version dependency. PR 48 (@baxen)
Started replacing pyasn1 with asn1crypto Not activated yet.

v1.4.16 (January 16, 2018)

Added OCSP cache related tools.

v1.4.15 (January 11, 2018)

Added OCSP cache server option.

v1.4.14 (December 14, 2017)

Improved OCSP response dump util.

v1.4.13 (November 30, 2017)

Updated boto3 and botocore version dependeny.

v1.4.12 (November 16, 2017)

Added qmark and numeric paramstyle support for server side binding.
Added timezone session parameter support to connections.
Fixed a file handler leak in OCSP checks.

v1.4.11 (November 9, 2017)

Fixed Azure PUT command to use AES CBC key encryption.
Added retry for intermittent PyAsn1Error.

v1.4.10 (October 26, 2017)

Added Azure support for PUT and GET commands.
Updated cryptography, boto3 and botocore version dependeny.

v1.4.9 (October 10, 2017)

Fixed a regression caused by pyasn1 upgrade.

v1.4.8 (October 5, 2017)

Updated Fed/SSO parameters. The production version of Fed/SSO from Python Connector requires this version.
Refactored for Azure support
Set CLIENT_APP_ID and CLIENT_APP_VERSION in all requests
Support new behaviors of newer version of pyasn1. Relaxed the dependency.
Making socket timeout same as the login time
Fixed the case where no error message is attached.

v1.4.7 (September 20, 2017)

Refresh AWS token in PUT command if S3UploadFailedError includes the ExpiredToken error
Retry all of 5xx in connection

v1.4.6 (September 14, 2017)

Mitigated sigint handler config failure for SQLAlchemy
Improved the message for invalid SSL certificate error
Retry forever for query to mitigate 500 errors

v1.4.5 (August 31, 2017)

Fixed regression in #34 by rewriting SAML 2.0 compliant service application support.
Cleaned up logger by moving instance to module.

v1.4.4 (August 24, 2017)

Fixed Azure blob certificate issue. OCSP response structure bug fix
Added SAML 2.0 compliant service application support. preview feature.
Upgraded SSL wrapper with the latest urllib3 pyopenssl glue module. It uses kqueue, epoll or poll in replacement of select to read data from socket if available.

v1.4.3 (August 17, 2017)

Changed the log levels for some messages from ERROR to DEBUG to address confusion as real incidents. In fact, they are not real issues but signals for connection retry.
Added certifi to the dependent component list to mitigate CA root certificate out of date issue.
Set the maximum versions of dependent components boto3 and botocore.
Updated cryptography and pyOpenSSL version dependeny change.
Added a connection parameter validate_default_parameters to validate the default database, schema and warehouse. If the specified object doesn't exist, it raises an error.

v1.4.2 (August 3, 2017)

Fixed retry HTTP 400 in upload file when AWS token expires
Relaxed the version of dependent components pyasn1 and pyasn1-modules

v1.4.1 (July 26, 2017)

Pinned pyasn1 and pyasn1-modules versions to 0.2.3 and 0.0.9, respectively

v1.4.0 (July 6, 2017)

Relaxed the versions of dependent components boto3, botocore, cffi and cryptography and pyOpenSSL
Minor improvements in OCSP response file cache

v1.3.18 (June 15, 2017)

Fixed OCSP response cache file not found issue on Windows. Drive letter was taken off
Use less restrictive cryptography>=1.7,<1.8
Added ORC detection in PUT command

v1.3.17 (June 1, 2017)

Timeout OCSP request in 60 seconds and retry
Set autocommit and abort_detached_query session parameters in authentication time if specified
Fixed cross region stage issue. Could not get files in us-west-2 region S3 bucket from us-east-1

v1.3.16 (April 20, 2017)

Fixed issue in fetching DATE causing [Error 22] Invalid argument on Windows
Retry on RuntimeError in requests

v1.3.15 (March 30, 2017)

Refactored data converters in fetch to improve performance
Fixed timestamp format FF to honor the scale of data type
Improved the security of OKTA authentication with hostname verifications
Retry PUT on the error OpenSSL.SSL.SysCallError 10053 with lower concurrency
Added raw_msg attribute to Error class
Refactored session managements

v1.3.14 (February 24, 2017)

Improved PUT and GET error handler.
Added proxy support to OCSP checks.
Use proxy parameters for PUT and GET commands.
Added sfqid and sqlstate to the results from query results.
Fixed the connection timeout calculation based on login_timeout and network_timeout.
Improved error messages in case of 403, 502 and 504 HTTP reponse code.
Upgraded cryptography to 1.7.2, boto3 to 1.4.4 and botocore to 1.5.14.
Removed explicit DNS lookup for OCSP URL.

v1.3.13 (February 9, 2017)

Fixed AWS SQS connection error with OCSP checks
Added login_timeout and network_timeout parameters to the Connection objects.
Fixed forbidden access error handing

v1.3.12 (February 2, 2017)

Fixed region parameter. One character was truncated from the tail of account name
Improved performance of fetching data by refactoring fetchone method

v1.3.11 (January 27, 2017)

Fixed the regression in 1.3.8 that caused intermittent 504 errors

v1.3.10 (January 26, 2017)

Compress data in HTTP requests at all times except empty data or OKTA request
Refactored FIXED, REAL and TIMESTAMP data fetch to improve performance. This mainly impacts SnowSQL
Added region option to support EU deployments better
Increased the retry counter for OCSP servers to mitigate intermittent failure
Refactored HTTP access retry logic

v1.3.9 (January 16, 2017)

Upgraded botocore to 1.4.93 to fix and boto3 to 1.4.3 to fix the HTTPS request failure in Python 3.6
Fixed python2 incomaptible import http.client
Retry OCSP validation in case of non-200 HTTP code returned

v1.3.8 (January 12, 2017)

Convert non-UTF-8 data in the large result set chunk to Unicode replacement characters to avoid decode error.
Updated copyright year to 2017.
Use six package to support both PY2 and PY3 for some functions
Upgraded cryptography to 1.7.1 to address MacOS Python 3.6 build issue.
Fixed OverflowError caused by invalid range of timetamp data for SnowSQL.

v1.3.7 (December 8, 2016)

Increased the validity date acceptance window to prevent OCSP returning invalid responses due to out-of-scope validity dates for certificates.
Enabled OCSP response cache file by default.

v1.3.6 (December 1, 2016)

Upgraded cryptography to 1.5.3, pyOpenSSL to 16.2.0 and cffi to 1.9.1.

v1.3.5 (November 17, 2016)

Fixed CA list cache race condition
Added retry intermittent 400 HTTP Bad Request error

v1.3.4 (November 3, 2016)

Added quoted_name data type support for binding by SQLAlchemy
Not to compress parquiet file in PUT command

v1.3.3 (October 20, 2016)

Downgraded botocore to 1.4.37 due to potential regression.
Increased the stability of PUT and GET commands

v1.3.2 (October 12, 2016)

Upgraded botocore to 1.4.52.
Set the signature version to v4 to AWS client. This impacts PUT, GET commands and fetching large result set.

v1.3.1 (September 30, 2016)

Added an account name including subdomain.

v1.3.0 (September 26, 2016)

Added support for the BINARY data type, which enables support for more Python data types:

Python 3:

bytes and bytearray can be used for binding.
bytes is also used for fetching BINARY data type.

Python 2:

bytearray can be used for binding
str is used for fetching BINARY data type.

Added proxy_user and proxy_password connection parameters for proxy servers that require authentication.

v1.2.8 (August 16, 2016)

Upgraded botocore to 1.4.37.
Added Connection.execute_string and Connection.execute_stream to run multiple statements in a string and stream.
Increased the stability of fetching data for Python 2.
Refactored memory usage in fetching large result set (Work in Progress).

v1.2.7 (July 31, 2016)

Fixed snowflake.cursor.rowcount for INSERT ALL.
Force OCSP cache invalidation after 24 hours for better security.
Use use_accelerate_endpoint in PUT and GET if Transfer acceleration is enabled for the S3 bucket.
Fixed the side effect of python-future that loads in the current directory.

v1.2.6 (July 13, 2016)

Fixed the AWS token renewal issue with PUT command when uploading uncompressed large files.

v1.2.5 (July 8, 2016)

Added retry for errors S3UploadFailedError and RetriesExceededError in PUT and GET, respectively.

v1.2.4 (July 6, 2016)

Added max_connection_pool parameter to Connection so that you can specify the maximum number of HTTP/HTTPS connections in the pool.
Minor enhancements for SnowSQL.

v1.2.3 (June 29, 2016)

Fixed 404 issue in GET command. An extra slash character changed the S3 path and failed to identify the file to download.

v1.2.2 (June 21, 2016)

Upgraded botocore to 1.4.26.
Added retry for 403 error when accessing S3.

v1.2.1 (June 13, 2016)

Improved fetch performance for data types (part 2): DATE, TIME, TIMESTAMP, TIMESTAMP_LTZ, TIMESTAMP_NTZ and TIMESTAMP_TZ.

v1.2.0 (June 10, 2016)

Improved fetch performance for data types (part 1): FIXED, REAL, STRING.

v1.1.5 (June 2, 2016)

Upgraded boto3 to 1.3.1 and botocore and 1.4.22.
Fixed snowflake.cursor.rowcount for DML by snowflake.cursor.executemany.
Added numpy data type binding support. numpy.intN, numpy.floatN and numpy.datetime64 can be bound and fetched.

v1.1.4 (May 21, 2016)

Upgraded cffi to 1.6.0.
Minor enhancements to SnowSQL.

v1.1.3 (May 5, 2016)

Upgraded cryptography to 1.3.2.

v1.1.2 (May 4, 2016)

Changed the dependency of tzlocal optional.
Fixed charmap error in OCSP checks.

v1.1.1 (Apr 11, 2016)

Fixed OCSP revocation check issue with the new certificate and AWS S3.
Upgraded cryptography to 1.3.1 and pyOpenSSL to 16.0.0.

v1.1.0 (Apr 4, 2016)

Added bzip2 support in PUT command. This feature requires a server upgrade.
Replaced the self contained packages in snowflake._vendor with the dependency of boto3 1.3.0 and botocore 1.4.2.

v1.0.7 (Mar 21, 2016)

Keep pyOpenSSL at 0.15.1.

v1.0.6 (Mar 15, 2016)

Upgraded cryptography to 1.2.3.
Added support for TIME data type, which is now a Snowflake supported data type. This feature requires a server upgrade.
Added snowflake.connector.DistCursor to fetch the results in dict instead of tuple.
Added compression to the SQL text and commands.

v1.0.5 (Mar 1, 2016)

Upgraded cryptography to 1.2.2 and cffi to 1.5.2.
Fixed the conversion from TIMESTAMP_LTZ to datetime in queries.

v1.0.4 (Feb 15, 2016)

Fixed the truncated parallel large result set.
Added retry OpenSSL low level errors ETIMEDOUT and ECONNRESET.
Time out all HTTPS requests so that the Python Connector can retry the job or recheck the status.
Fixed the location of encrypted data for PUT command. They used to be in the same directory as the source data files.
Added support for renewing the AWS token used in PUT commands if the token expires.

v1.0.3 (Jan 13, 2016)

Added support for the BOOLEAN data type (i.e. TRUE or FALSE). This changes the behavior of the binding for the bool type object:

Previously, bool was bound as a numeric value (i.e. 1 for True, 0 for False).
Now, bool is bound as native SQL data (i.e. TRUE or FALSE).

Added the autocommit method to the Connection object:

By default, autocommit mode is ON (i.e. each DML statement commits the change).
If autocommit mode is OFF, the commit and rollback methods are enabled.

Avoid segfault issue for cryptography 1.2 in Mac OSX by using 1.1 until resolved.

v1.0.2 (Dec 15, 2015)

Upgraded boto3 1.2.2, botocore 1.3.12.
Removed SSLv3 mapping from the initial table.

v1.0.1 (Dec 8, 2015)

Minor bug fixes.

v1.0.0 (Dec 1, 2015)

General Availability release.


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