
Creator: coderz1093

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soar quest

Soar Quest #
A framework to build Telegram Mini Apps faster with Flutter.

Introduction #
Soar Quest is designed to help you get straight to providing value to your users.
Therefore, it abstracts many concerns that one would traditionally have when it comes to developing applications.
Nevertheless, the developer still has full access to the full power of Flutter.
The framework provides the following set of functionality and components:

Application builder. i.e., SQApp
Authentication system, with profile screen and sign in screen
Databases. Collections (Tables) and Docs (Items/Rows)
Screens to display collections and docs
Actions to perform on data
User settings
File storage system

The functionality is described briefly in the following sections.
Motivation #
This project is driven by a belief that the current software engineering processes are too inefficient.
A guiding principle is that new code should be added only to provide new value to the app's user.
This would entail less code to create apps, less effort, and faster development.
Many design decisions here are inspired by No-code tools, due to the efficiency they provide for creators.
Installing #
Add the following line to your dependencies in pubspec.yaml.
soar_quest: ^0.8.0
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The depndencies section will look something like:
sdk: flutter
soar_quest: ^0.8.0
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QR Code Scanning Setup #
See instructions here.
SQApp #
The root of your application uses SQApp.
The following code can get you started with your first Soar Quest app.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:soar_quest/soar_quest.dart';

void main() async {
await SQApp.init("My Cool App");[
Screen("Hello World"),
Screen("Second Screen"),
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Designing Mini Apps #
Soar Quest automatically captures the user's custom ThemeParams
and adjusts the Material Design 3 Theme.
User Data (Fields) #
To include custom user data fields, populate the userDocFields parameter when creating the SQApp.
await SQApp.init("My Cool App",
userDocFields: [SQStringField("Telegram Handle")]);
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User Settings #
Local data used to configure the application. Example: dark mode vs light mode.
The Settings screen appears automatically in the drawer (if you include a drawer).
await UserSettings.setSettings([ SQBoolField("Enable feature X") ]);[
CollectionScreen(collection: testCollection),
], drawer: SQDrawer([]) );
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Data: Collections, Docs, and Fields #
Compared to Google Sheets. Collections are sheets. Docs are rows. Fields are column cells.
Compared to SQL. Collections are Tables. Docs are rows (entries). Fields are data values.
Each collection has a set of fields describing the data the docs of the collection would have.
SQCollection #
There are several collections provided by SQ.
The difference if the location of storage.
The behave the same.


CollectionSlice method to filter docs from a collection.
Treated by other components of SQ as an SQCollection.
CollectionSlice slice =
CollectionSlice(testCollection, filter: ValueFilter("Status", "Done"));[CollectionScreen(collection: slice)]);
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DocCondition #
SQDoc #
Each piece of information in your app is contained in a doc.
Docs have fields that contain values.
Fields #
Fields represent the data values (or types) that your docs could contain.
Soar Quest provides numerous fields. Some of them include:

SQStringField. Text.
SQBoolField. True/False. Yes/No.
SQIntField. Integer numbers.
SQDoubleField. Floating point (fractional) numbers.
SQRefField. A value that points to another doc (in a collection).
SQInverseRefsField. An automatically generated list of docs referring/pointing to this doc.
SQTimestampField. Date (day/month/year).
SQTimeOfDayField. Time of day (hour/minutes).
SQFileField. Storing files.
SQImageField. Storing images.

Screens #
Screens include by default the AppBar and bottom NavBar.
Screens could be extended and customized.
The following piece of code shows how to create a custom screen.
Add your custom implementation inside the screenBody method.
class MyCustomScreen extends Screen {
const MyCustomScreen(String title, {Key? key}) : super(title, key: key);

State<MyCustomScreen> createState() => _MyCustomScreenState();

class _MyCustomScreenState extends ScreenState<MyCustomScreen> {
Widget screenBody(BuildContext context) {
// TODO: implement screenBody
return super.screenBody(context);
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Collection Screens #
Prebuild screens that displays the docs of a collection.

CollectionScreen. The default list of docs screen.
GalleryScreen. A grid (2 per row) screen.
TableScreen. Displays doc fields and values in table format.
CollectionScreen(collection: testCollection),
GalleryScreen(collection: testCollection),
TableScreen(collection: testCollection),
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Use the following code to create a custom CollectionScreen.
class MyCustomCollectionScreen extends CollectionScreen {
MyCustomCollectionScreen({super.title, required super.collection, super.key});

State<MyCustomCollectionScreen> createState() => _MyCustomCollectionScreenState();

class _MyCustomCollectionScreenState extends CollectionScreenState<MyCustomCollectionScreen> {
Widget screenBody(BuildContext context) {
// TODO: implement screenBody for MyCustomCollectionScreen
return super.screenBody(context);
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DocScreen #
A screen that displays the fields of a single document.
Use the following code to create a custom DocScreen.
class MyCustomDocScreen extends DocScreen {

State<MyCustomDocScreen> createState() => _MyCustomDocScreenState();

class _MyCustomDocScreenState extends DocScreenState<MyCustomDocScreen> {
Widget screenBody(BuildContext context) {
// TODO: implement screenBody for MyCustomDocScreen
return super.screenBody(context);
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FormScreen #
The FormScreen is the screen where you edit the data (fields) of an SQDoc.
You would not need to interact with the FormScreen directly, unless you want to customize the form.
SQAction #
Actions on (or from) data (docs).
Actions are assigned when creating a SQCollection.
The following examples are the most common examples of actions provided by default:


The following are a few examples of how to set actions for a collection.
late SQCollection simpleCollection;
simpleCollection = LocalCollection(id: "Simple Collection", fields: [
SQStringField("Status", value: "To-Do"),
], actions: [
SetFieldsAction("Mark as Done",
getFields: (doc) => {
"Status": "Done",
"Points": (doc.value<int>("Points") ?? 0) + 1,
CreateDocAction("Create Magic Doc",
getCollection: () => simpleCollection,
initialFields: (doc) => [
SQStringField("Name", value: "Magic Doc"),
SQBoolField("Magic", value: true),
SQIntField("Points", value: 99),
CustomAction("Do Maths", customExecute: (doc, context) async {
int x = doc.value<int>("Points") ?? 0;
int y = x + 5;
print("Magic number: $y");
CustomAction("print hi",
customExecute: (doc, context) async => print("hi")),
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Contribution #
The best way to contribute is to suggest additions to the package and using it in your projects.
Consider leaving a star on GitHub 😉.
Acknowledgements #
The logo was generated using the Stable Diffusion AI image generation tool.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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