
Creator: coderz1093

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social auth buttons

social_auth_buttons #

Social Auth Buttons is a fork of auth_buttons flutter widget library. It includes buttons for authenticating with the most popular social networks and with email/password.
Recommendation #
We recommend you to using show special when you want use some button.
show help you importing part of library.
import 'package:auth_buttons/social_auth_buttons.dart'
show GoogleAuthButton, AuthButtonStyle;
copied to clipboard
Overview #
There are two style you can choose between them:


Note: all api is documented click Ctrl + Q to read the docs if you are using Android Studio
or Intellij Idea on Visual Studio Code just hover over.

This is happen if you know you some property, other way click Ctrl + space then Ctrl + Q
double click and the result will be like so.

Using #
You need to use just the following code:
Default style #
onPressed: () {},
darkMode: false,
copied to clipboard

onPressed: () {},
darkMode: true,
copied to clipboard

Icon Style #
onPressed: () {},
darkMode: false,
style: AuthButtonStyle.icon,
copied to clipboard

onPressed: () {},
darkMode: true,
style: AuthButtonStyle.icon,
copied to clipboard

Do same think with the other buttons, when you want customize any button
you can do it just passing a property which you want.
Full property you can passing:
onPressed: () {},
buttonColor: Colors.white,
splashColor: Colors.grey,
elevation: 2.0,
borderRadius: 8.0,
padding: EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
text: 'Sign in with Google',
textStyle: TextStyle(),
darkMode: false,
borderWidth: 1.0,
style: AuthButtonStyle.icon,
width: 280.0,
height: 50.0,
iconSize: 35.0,
separator: 15.0,
copied to clipboard
return up


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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