
Creator: coderz1093

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sodium #

Dart bindings for libsodium, supporting both the VM and JS without flutter dependencies.
Table of contents #


API Status

Considered for the future


Sodium vs SodiumSumo
Loading libsodium

VM - loading the dynamic library
Transpiled JavaScript - loading the JavaScript code.

Loading sodium.js into the browser via dart.

Using the API
Running computations in a separate isolate


Example for the dart VM
Example in the browser

Table of contents generated with markdown-toc
Features #

Provides a simple to use dart API for accessing libsodium - High-Level API that is the same for both VM and JS - Aims
to provide access to all primary libsodium APIs. See API Status for more details.
Provides native APIs for tighter integration, if necessary

API Status #
The following table shows the current status of the implementation. APIs that have already been ported get the ✔️, those
that are planned but not there yet have 🚧. If you see an ❌, it means that the API is not available on that platform
and thus cannot be implemented. The Sumo column specifies whether the API is available as sumo extension. Those listed
with a ✔️ are available only in the sumo API, while those marked with ➕ have extended sumo APIs. APIs that are not
listet yet have either been forgotten or are not planned. If you find one you would like to have made available, please
create an issue for it, and I will add it to the list.
API based on libsodium version: 1.0.20

libsodium API







> _xchacha20poly1305_ietf

> _chacha20poly1305











Note: Memory Management in JS is limited to overwriting the memory with 0. All other Memory-APIs are only available
in the VM.
Considered for the future
The following APIs I considered adding, but since they all appear below the "Advanced" Tab in the documentation, I
decided against it for version 1.0.0. However, with version 2.0.0, support for advanced APIs has been enabled via sumo.
This means all of those have now become feasible to implement and might be added in the future. If you need one of these
or some other advanced API, please create an issue.

libsodium API




Installation #
Simply add sodium to your pubspec.yaml and run pub get (or flutter pub get).
Usage #
The usage can be split into two parts. The first one is about loading the native libsodium into dart, the second one
about using the API.
Sodium vs SodiumSumo #
As this library aims to support both native and JavaScript targets, it needs to unify both APIs under one single dart
API. This comes with one major consideration: The separation between a "normal" and a "sumo" variant of the library.
These terms are absent in the C-library, but have been introduced in the JS-Variant (See
In order support both library variants in this library, the APIs have been split here as well. However, this only
affects the JS part of the code, as for the native implementation there is no differentiation between the two. What
this means for you as a consumer of the library is the following:

If you only ever intend to use the native variante (i. e. your application will not be transpiled to JS), you can
simply always use the sumo variant.
If you want to support bith, native and web, you have to check wich of the APIs you need are available in which
version. The Sumo-Variant is more complete, but has a bigger binary size, which might matter depending on the usecase.

Loading libsodium #
How you load the library depends on whether you are running in the dart VM or as transpiled JS code.
Note: For flutter users, you should use the sodium_libs package, as it
provides embedded (or compile time added) binaries for every flutter platform. This way you can simply use the library
without thinking about this part. You can check the documentation of sodium_libs to add it to your project and then
continue at Using the API.
Note: When using the sumo APIs, simply replace SodiumInit with SodiumSumoInit from the
package:sodium/sodium_sumo.dart import.
VM - loading the dynamic library
In the dart VM, dart:ffi is used as backend to load and interact with the libsodium binary. So, all you need to do is
load such a library and then pass it to the sodium APIs. This generally looks like this:
// required imports
import 'dart:ffi';
import 'package:sodium/sodium.dart';

// define a loader method that loads the dynamic library into dart
DynamicLibrary loadLibsodium() {
return'/path/to/libsodium.XXX'); // or DynamicLibrary.process()

// initialize the sodium APIs
final sodium = await SodiumInit.init2(loadLibsodium);
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The tricky part here is the path, aka '/path/to/libsodium.XXX'. It depends on the platform and how you intend to use
the library. My recommendation is to follow to get the library binary for
your platform and then pass the correct path. If you are linking statically, you can use DynamicLibrary.process()
(except on windows) instead of the path.
However, here are some tips on how to get the library for some platforms and how to load it there. For flutter users,
you can simply add sodium_libs to your project, which takes care of this for

Linux: Install libsodium via your system package manager. Then, you can load the from where the
package manager put it.
Windows: Download the correct binary from and simply use the
path where you placed the library.
macOS: Use homebrew and run brew install libsodium - then locate the binary in the Cellar. It is typically
something like /usr/local/Cellar/libsodium/<version>/lib/libsodium.dylib.
Android: Clone the official sources and run the correct build script located at The build will produce an .so file you can add to your
main/src/jniLibs folder.
iOS: Simply add the swift-sodium package to your project. It will
statically link your app with the library. You can use DynamicLibrary.process() to access the symbols.

Transpiled JavaScript - loading the JavaScript code.
The correct setup depends on your JavaScript environment (i.e. browser, nodejs, ...) - however, the general way is the
// required imports
import 'package:sodium/sodium.dart';

// define a loader method that loads the javascript object into dart
dynamic loadSodiumJS() {
return ...; // somehow load the sodium.js into dart

// initialize the sodium APIs
final sodium = await SodiumInit.init2(loadSodiumJS);
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The complex part is how to load the library into dart. Generally, you can refer to on how to load the library into your JS environment. However,
since we are running JavaScript code, the setup is a little more complex. For flutter users, you can simply add
sodium_libs to your project, which takes care of this for you.
The only platform I have tried so far is the browser. However, similar approaches should work for all JS environments
that you can run transpiled dart code in.
Loading sodium.js into the browser via dart.
The idea here is, that the dart code asynchronously loads the sodium.js into the browser and then acquires the result
of loading it (As recommended in The
following code uses the package:js to interop with JavaScript and perform these steps.
You can download the sodium.js file from here:
// make the dart library JS-interoperable
library interop;

// required imports
import 'package:js/js.dart';
import 'package:sodium/sodium.dart';

// declare a JavaScript type that will provide the callback for the loaded
// sodium JavaScript object.
class SodiumBrowserInit {
external void Function(dynamic sodium) get onload;

external factory SodiumBrowserInit({void Function(dynamic sodium) onload});

Future<dynamic> loadSodiumInBrowser() async {
// create a completer that will wait for the library to be loaded
final completer = Completer<dynamic>();

// Set the global `sodium` property to our JS type, with the callback being
// redirected to the completer
setProperty(window, 'sodium', SodiumBrowserInit(
onload: allowInterop(completer.complete),

// Load the sodium.js into the page by appending a `<script>` element
final script = ScriptElement();
..type = 'text/javascript'
..async = true
..src = 'sodium.js'; // use the path where you put the file on your server

// return the completer
return completer.future;

// in your main:
final sodium = await SodiumInit.init2(loadSodiumInBrowser);
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Using the API #
Once you have acquired the Sodium instance, usage is fairly straight forward. The API mirrors the original native C
api, splitting different categories of methods into different classes for maintainability, which are all built up in
hierarchical order starting at Sodium. For example, if you wanted to use the crypto_secretbox_easy method from the C
api, the equivalent dart code would be:
final sodium = // load libsodium for your platform

// The message to be encrypted, converted to an unsigned char array.
final String message = 'my very secret message';
final Int8List messageChars = message.toCharArray();
final Uint8List messageBytes = messageChars.unsignedView();

// A randomly generated nonce
final nonce = sodium.randombytes.buf(

// Generate a secret key
final SecureKey key = sodium.crypto.secretBox.keygen();

// Encrypt the data
final encryptedData = sodium.crypto.secretBox.easy(
message: messageBytes,
nonce: nonce,
key: key,


// after you are done:
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The only main differences here are, that instead of raw pointers, the dart typed lists are used. Also, instead of simply
passing a byte array as the key, the SecureKey is used. It is a special class created for this library that wraps
native memory, thus providing a secure way of keeping your keys in memory. You can either create such keys via the
*_keygen methods, or directly via*.
Note: Since these keys wrap native memory, it is mandatory that you dispose of them after you are done with a key,
as otherwise they will leak memory.
Running computations in a separate isolate #
Some operations with libsodium (like password hashing) can take multiple seconds to execute. In such a case, running the
computation on a separate isolate is mandatory to not block the UI. However, the standard
compute or methods will not work, as it is not
possible to pass a Sodium instance between isolates. For this reason, the library has a helper method:
The usage is pretty straight forward: It is a compute callback, but any SecretKey or KeyPair values must be passed
as addition parameters, as they need special intervention to be transferred to the isolate. Returning however works and
allows you to simply pass back a key (or pair) if needed. A simple example that runs a key derivation would look like
final subkeyId = BigInt.from(42);
final masterKey = sodium.crypto.kdf.keygen();
final derivedKey = await sodium.runIsolated(
secureKeys: [masterKey],
// keyPairs: use if a KeyPair needs to be passed to the isolate
(sodium, secureKeys, keyPairs) {
final [masterKey] = secureKeys;
final derivedKey = sodium.crypto.kdf.deriveFromKey(
masterKey: masterKey, // keys must be passed via the extra parameters
context: 'computed',
subkeyId: subkeyId, // normal values can be used as usual
subkeyLen: 64,
return derivedKey; // keys can be returned
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Documentation #
The documentation is available at A full example can be found at
The example runs both in the VM and on the web. To use it, see below.
As preparation for all platforms, run the following steps:
cd packages/sodium
dart pub get
dart run build_runner build
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Example for the dart VM #
Locate/Download the libsodium binary and run the example with it:
cd packages/sodium/example
dart pub get
dart run bin/main_native.dart '/path/to/libsodium.XXX'
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Example in the browser #
First download sodium.js into the examples web directory. Then simply run the example:
dart pub global activate webdev

cd packages/sodium/example/web
curl -Lo sodium.js

cd ..
dart pub get
dart pub global run webdev serve --release
# Visit in the browser
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