
Creator: coderz1093

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An HTTP Client with a Fluent interface and an improved type support.

Features #

Fluent Interface
Concurrency Control
Response Type Caching
Flutter friendly, with methods designed for ease of use with flutter.

Getting Started #

Add the latest version of the package from pubspec.
Import the package: import 'package:sonic/sonic.dart';
Initialize the client:
final sonic = Sonic(
baseConfiguration: const BaseConfiguration(
debugMode: true,

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Use the create method to create a new request builder.
await sonic
.withDecoder((dynamic json) => YOUR_RESPONSE_TYPE.fromMap(json))
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the response of this async operation will be SonicResponse<T> where T will be YOUR_RESPONSE_TYPE

Usage #
final sonic = Sonic(
baseConfiguration: const BaseConfiguration(
baseUrl: '',
debugMode: true,


final response = await sonic
.create<TodoModel>(url: '/todos/1')
.withDecoder((dynamic json) => TodoModel.fromMap(json))
.onError((error) {
(data) {
.onLoading(() => log('Loading'))
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You can also get raw response and ignore the type parsing by using asRawRequest() builder method and specifying the type parameter as dynamic
You wont need to pass decoder using withDecoder after the first call to the same type as the decoder will be cached based on the type.
You can either pass relative url (path) or an absolute url to the url named parameter.
If debugMode is true, LogInterceptor will be added to the internal Dio instance and it will be used to log everything related to a network call in the standard output.
You can have multiple instances of Sonic as individually, they do not share resources with each other. But it is recommended to have a global instance of Sonic and use dependency injection to inject them into your business logic.
You can use FormData as body for uploading files etc. You can wrap the file with MultipartFile instance. these are from Dio library.

Contributions #
Contributions are always welcome!


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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