
Creator: coderz1093

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sound volume view

SoundVolumeView displays general information and the current volume level for all active sound components in your system and allows you to instantly mute and unmute them.

Expressions of gratitude #
First of all, thanks to NirSoft for creating SoundVolumeView.exe. Without this, it would not be possible for Windows.
Visit NirSoft SoundVolumeView for more information.
Getting started #
Supported platforms:

✅ Windows
❌ MacOS
❌ Linux
❌ Android
❌ iOS
❌ Web

Usage #
The SoundVolumeView instance will search for the executable via the command line. If it is not found, it will launch the SoundVolumeView installation internally.
Sigleton instance
SoundVolumeView soundVolumeView = SoundVolumeView.getInstance();
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First make sure you have SoundVolumeView installed on your system. Example:
bool isCheckIfSoundVolumeViewInstalled = await soundVolumeView.checkIfSoundVolumeViewInstalled();

late bool isInstalled;
if( !isCheckIfSoundVolumeViewInstalled ) {
isInstalled = await soundVolumeView.installSoundVolumeView();

if( isInstalled ) {
await soundVolumeView.refreshDevices();
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Second if you do not have SoundVolumeView installed, you can install it with the following command:
final isInstalled = await soundVolumeView.installSoundVolumeView();
if( !isInstalled ) ......
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Third if you want to uninstall SoundVolumeView, you can run the following command:
final isUninstalled = await soundVolumeView.uninstallSoundVolumeView();
if( !isUninstalled ) ......
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First to get the devices you must call: soundVolumeView.refreshDevices();
List<Device> devices = await soundVolumeView.refreshDevices();
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Once you have obtained the devices you will also have a separate list for each type. #
/// [captureDevices] You only get the capture devices

/// [outputDevices] You only get the output devices

/// [applicationDevices] You only get the application devices
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Set UnMute / Mute
bool isUnMute = await soundVolumeView.unMute( devices[index] );

bool isMute = await soundVolumeView.mute( devices[index] );
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Set Volume: Range [0-100] int
bool isSetVolume = await soundVolumeView.setVolume(soundVolumeView.captureDevices[index], 100);
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You can also listen to the capture sound.
bool isSetListenToThisDevice = await soundVolumeView.setListenToThisDevice(devices[index], listen: true);
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You can also set the sound output to the recording line
Device outputDevice = soundVolumeView.outputDevices.firstWhere(( device ) => device.itemID == value);
final isSetPlaybackThroughDevice = await soundVolumeView.setPlaybackThroughDevice(soundVolumeView.captureDevices[index], outputDevice);
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DefaultType: all - Set all default types (Console, Multimedia, and Communications)
enum DefaultType {
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You can assign output devices to applications via the pid process
Device outputDeviceFound = soundVolumeView.outputDevices.firstWhere((element) => element.itemID == itemId);
final isSetAppDefault = await soundVolumeView.setAppDefault(soundVolumeView.applicationDevices[index], device, defaultType: DefaultType.all);
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Indicates which is the default output device, communications, etc...
final isSetDefault = await soundVolumeView.setDefault(soundVolumeView.outputDevices[index], defaultType: DefaultType.all);
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For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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