
Creator: coderz1093

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soundcloud explode dart

SoundcloudExplodeDart #
SoundcloudExplodeDart utilises SoundCloud's internal V2 API to scrape metadata about users, tracks, playlists, and albums, without requiring an account, API key, or rate-limiting.
This API was not intended to be an exhaustive map of all SoundCloud endpoints, but I will be accepting feature requests, so feel free to suggest any functionality you would like to see by opening a new issue.

This project takes inspiration from jerry08's SoundCloudExplode library for C#.

Usage #
Searching #
Search for users, tracks, playlists, or albums, and apply specific search filters to each query:
import 'dart:async';
import 'soundcloud_explode_dart/soundcloud_explode_dart.dart';

final client = SoundcloudClient();

// Most functions return a stream of results in the form of Stream<Iterable<E>>.
// The number of results returned in each Iterable<E>, as well as
// the result offset and search filter are optional parameters.
final stream =
'Haddaway - What Is Love',
searchFilter: SearchFilter.tracks,
offset: 0,
limit: 50
final streamIterator = StreamIterator(stream);

while (await streamIterator.moveNext()) {
for (final result in streamIterator.current) {
// Use pattern matching for mixed streams
switch (result) {
case final UserSearchResult user:

case final TrackSearchResult track:

case final PlaylistSearchResult playlist:
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Alternatively, use one of the specialised functions, such as getUsers(...), getTracks(...), etc., which casts each item in the returned Iterable<E> to the specified type.
Querying users #
Retrieve metadata about specific users:
import 'soundcloud_explode_dart/soundcloud_explode_dart.dart';

final client = SoundcloudClient();

// Users can be retrieved via URL...
final user1 = await client.users.getByUrl('');

// ...or via their user ID.
final user2 = await client.users.get(123456789);

// Get the tracks/playlists/albums a specific user has uploaded...
final trackStream = client.users.getTracks(;
final playlistStream = client.users.getPlaylists(;
final albumStream = client.users.getAlbums(;
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Querying tracks and streams #
Metadata about specific tracks can also be retrieved:
import 'soundcloud_explode_dart/soundcloud_explode_dart.dart';

final client = SoundcloudClient();

// Tracks can also be retrieved via URL...
final track1 = await client.tracks.getByUrl('');

// ...or via their track ID.
final track2 = await client.tracks.get(123456789);
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In order to play a track, you need to resolve the streams available for it:
import 'soundcloud_explode_dart/soundcloud_explode_dart.dart';
import 'some_audio_player/some_audio_player.dart';

final client = SoundcloudClient();
final audioPlayer = SomeAudioPlayer();

final track = await client.tracks.getByUrl('');

final streams = await client.tracks.getStreams(;
final stream = streams.firstWhere((s) => s.container == Container.mp3);

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Note: some tracks only provide a 30 second snippet and cannot be played in their entirety; those that require a SoundCloud Go subscription are one such example.
To determine whether or not a track is fully playable:
if (track.duration == track.fullDuration) {
// Track can be played until completion.
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Querying playlists/albums #
To retrieve metadata about a specific playlist:
import 'soundcloud_explode_dart/soundcloud_explode_dart.dart';

final client = SoundcloudClient();

// Playlists can be retrieved via URL...
final playlist1 = await client.playlists.getByUrl('');

// ...or via their playlist ID.
final playlist2 = await client.playlists.get(123456789);

// Playlists and albums are effectively synonymous on SoundCloud,
// with only a boolean property differentiating the two.
final isAlbum = playlist1.isAlbum;

// Get the tracks contained within a playlist...
final tracks = client.playlists.getTracks(;
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For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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