
Creator: coderz1093

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soundfont dart parser

Soundfont parser #
This package is aimed to add support for sf2 (soundfont) binary files. Those files are used as databanks for sound applications such as musical instruments, for games...
Originally this package was meant only to be able to provide list of instruments/presets stored in file to be accessed by other packages.
If there is a need for adding more parsing capabilities, just contact me at
Features #
So far is the package meant only as passive parser. To parse soundFont file to access some informations.
Getting started #
Add as dependency to your pubspec.yaml
soundfont_dart_parser: ^latest
copied to clipboard
and import using
import 'package:soundfont_dart_parser/soundfont_dart_parser.dart';
copied to clipboard
Usage #
FilePickerResult? result = await FilePicker.platform.pickFiles();

if (result != null) {
final soundFontParser = SoundFontParser(result.files.first.path!);
await soundFontParser.init(); // actually parses the font. Async function so it is possible to load in background
copied to clipboard
and then just access the information:
for(final instrument in soundfontParser.instrumentList)
<do something interesting>
copied to clipboard
Additional information #
I hope I will slowly add more functionality. On the other hand I created this package just because I needed a list of instruments in a sf2 file.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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