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spannable grid responsive

Spannable Grid #
The SpannableGrid is a Flutter widget that allows its cells to span columns
and rows and supports moving cells inside the grid. spannable_grid_responsive is a Flutter package that extends SpannableGrid and adds the option of responsive editing, where cells resize and automatically take up the maximum cells available, vertically or horizontally!

Features #

The widget is sized itself to fit its parent width and/or height
The number of columns and rows is fixed
Cells can span columns and rows
Supports editing mode, in which cells can be moved inside the grid to available places
Various editing strategies
Styling the grid and its cells

Usage #
In the dependencies: section of your pubspec.yaml, add the following line:
spannable_grid: ^0.3.0
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Import the package
import 'package:spannable_grid_responsive/spannable_grid.dart';
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Create grid items
The SpannableGrid widget requires the list of SpannableGridCellData objects that define cells appearance.
final cells = <SpannableGridCellData>[];
column: 1,
row: 1,
columnSpan: 2,
rowSpan: 2,
id: "Test Cell 1",
child: Container(
color: Colors.lime,
child: Center(
child: Text("Tile 2x2",
style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.title,
column: 4,
row: 1,
columnSpan: 1,
rowSpan: 1,
id: "Test Cell 2",
child: Container(
color: Colors.lime,
child: Center(
child: Text("Tile 1x1",
style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.title,
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Add SpannableGrid widget
columns: 4,
rows: 4,
cells: cells,
onCellChanged: (cell) { print('Cell ${} changed'); },
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Editing mode
In the editing mode user can move cells to another empty place withing the grid.
Use editingStrategy parameter to define the behaviour in the editing mode.
It has following options:


User can move the cells

User should use a long tap on the cell to enter the editing mode

When finished moving the cell, user should tap the cell to exit the editing mode

User can move cells immediately, just by starting dragging them

The cell can be moved only to nearby empty cells

User can enter editing mode by long press on the cell.
In the editing mode the editing cell is highlighted, other cells are faded and the grid structure becomes visible. User can move editing cell to another available place inside the grid.
The updated cell is returned in onCellChanged callback.
Use the style parameter to style the appearance of the grid and its cells.
The following options are supported:


It is used to display empty cells, when the emptyCellView parameter is not specified.

It is used in the editing mode to make the content cells transparent, so the underlying grid structure becomes visible.

An additional decoration that is applied to the selected cell to highlight it in the editing mode.

A space between gird cells.

When the showGrid parameter is true the grid's structure is always visible. Otherwise it appears only in the editing mode.
Full example
You can find demo app in the example project.
More #
Please check the Changelog page for the latest version and changes.
Author: Evgeny Cherkasov.
This package is published under MIT License.
Feel free to contribute to this project.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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