sphinx-express 0.2.4

Creator: bradpython12

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sphinxexpress 0.2.4

$ git clone https://github.com/iisaka51/sphinx-express.git
$ cd sphinx-express
$ python setup.py install

$ sphinx-express --setup

You should install follows packages.
python -m pip install sphinx-rtd-theme sphinx-charts pallets_sphinx_themes sphinxcontrib-runcmd sphinxcontrib-napoleon

your configfile: /Users/goichiiisaka/.sphinx/quickstartrc
your templatedir: /Users/goichiiisaka/.sphinx/templates/quickstart
quickstart templates of sphinx into your templatedir.

Here is default quickstartrc.
sep: true
language: ja
suffix: .rst
master: index
makefile: true
batchfile: true
autodoc: true
doctest: false
intersphinx: false
todo: false
coverage: false
imgmath: true
mathjax: true
ifconfig: true
viewcode: true
project: sample
version: 0.0.1
release: 0.0.1
lang: ja
make_mode: true
ext_mathjax: true
- pallets_sphinx_themes
- sphinx_rtd_theme
- sphinx.ext.autodoc
- sphinx.ext.mathjax
- sphinx.ext.autosectionlabel
- sphinxcontrib.blockdiag
- sphinxcontrib.seqdiag
- sphinxcontrib.blockdiag
- sphinxcontrib.nwdiag
- sphinxcontrib.rackdiag
- sphinxcontrib.httpdomain
- sphinxcontrib.runcmd
- recommonmark
mastertocmaxdepth: 2
project_underline: ======

You can change above settings.
and run sphinx-express again.
$ sphinx-express sample
Welcome to the Sphinx 3.2.1 quickstart utility.

Please enter values for the following settings (just press Enter to
accept a default value, if one is given in brackets).

Selected root path: sample

Creating file /Users/goichiiisaka/docs/sample/source/conf.py.
Creating file /Users/goichiiisaka/docs/sample/source/index.rst.
Creating file /Users/goichiiisaka/docs/sample/Makefile.
Creating file /Users/goichiiisaka/docs/sample/make.bat.

Finished: An initial directory structure has been created.

You should now populate your master file /Users/goichiiisaka/docs/sample/source/index.rst and create other documentation
source files. Use the Makefile to build the docs, like so:
make builder
where "builder" is one of the supported builders, e.g. html, latex or linkcheck.

$ sphinx-express --help
Usage: sphinx-express [OPTIONS] PROJECT_DIR

Create required files for a Sphinx project.

PROJECT_DIR [required]

-p, --project PROJECT_NAME project name. default is basename of

-a, --author AUTHOR_NAME author name. default is "goichiiisaka"
[default: goichiiisaka]

-v, --ver VERSION version of project. [default: 0.0.1]
-l, --lang LANG document language. [default: ja]
-t, --templatedir TEMPLATE_DIR template directory for template files.
[default: /Users/goichiiisaka/.sphinx/templa

-d, --define NAE=VALUE define a template variable.
-c, --configfile CONFIG_FILEPATH
sphinx-express configfile. [default:

-N, --new Ignore least configures. [default: False]
--setup Copy templates and exit. [default: False]
--version Show version and exit. [default: False]
--help Show this message and exit.


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