sphinxwrapper 1.3.0

Creator: bradpython12

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sphinxwrapper 1.3.0

Simplified Python API for the CMU Pocket Sphinx speech recogniser
This package provides a simple API for recognising speech using CMU Pocket
Sphinx, an open source, lightweight speech recognition engine. More information
on CMU Pocket Sphinx, and other CMU speech recognition libraries, may be found
at cmusphinx.github.io.
There are some usage examples in the repository’s examples folder
demonstrating how to use this library to scan and process speech audio
from a microphone. Each of these examples require the PyAudio package, which
may be installed by running the following command:
pip install pyaudio

Installation & dependencies
To install this package via pip, run the following command:
pip install sphinxwrapper
If you are installing in order to develop sphinxwrapper, clone/download
the repository, move to the root directory and run:
pip install -e .
Either of the above commands will also install version 0.1.15 of the required
pocketsphinx-python package.

Usage example
The following example demonstrates how to use sphinxwrapper and PyAudio
to scan and interpret audio from the microphone using the default language model
and dictionary.
import os
import time

from pyaudio import PyAudio, paInt16

from sphinxwrapper import PocketSphinx, DefaultConfig

# Initialise a Pocket Sphinx decoder with the default configuration.
config = DefaultConfig()
config.set_string("-logfn", os.devnull) # Suppress log output.
ps = PocketSphinx(config)

# Define decoder callback functions.
def speech_start_callback():
print("Speech started.")

def hypothesis_callback(hyp):
hypstr = hyp.hypstr if hyp else None
print("Hypothesis: %r" % hypstr)

# Set decoder callback functions.
ps.speech_start_callback = speech_start_callback
ps.hypothesis_callback = hypothesis_callback

# Open an audio stream on the default input audio device.
p = PyAudio()
stream = p.open(format=paInt16, channels=1, rate=16000, input=True,
frames_per_buffer=2048, input_device_index=None)

# Recognise from the microphone in a loop until interrupted.
print("Listening... Press Ctrl+C to exit...")
while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:

Python versions
This package has been written for Python 2.7 and above. It should work the same
way for each supported version. Please file an issue if you encounter a problem
specific to the Python version you’re using.

The documentation for this project is written in reStructuredText and
built using the Sphinx documentation engine.
Run the following commands in the repository folder to build it locally:
cd docs
pip install -r requirements.txt
make html


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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