spnav 0.9

Creator: bradpython12

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spnav 0.9

spnav: a ctypes wrapper for libspnav, a Space Navigator 3D mouse client

The spnav module provides a Python interface to the libspnav C
library, which allows you to read events from a Space Navigator 3D
mouse on Linux systems. These input devices simultaneously report
linear force and rotational torque applied by the user to the device,
along with button events. See:


for more information about the 3D navigator.

As a general prerequisite to using the spnav module, you need to
install libspnav and spacenavd, available from:


Then you need to connect a supported 3D mouse to your system.
Spacenavd supports USB devices with no configuration, but serial-based
devices will need a /etc/spnavrc configuration file.
The spnav module requires ctypes, which is standard in Python 2.5 and
later, although I have only tested spnav with Python 2.7.

The spnav module installs like any other python package. You can
install the package from the unpacked source directory by running

sudo python setup.py install

Quick Test
To see if your installation is working, spnav comes with a test script
in the module:

python -m spnav

This will print motion and button events from your Space Navigator to
the console.
For more information and example code, see the documentation:



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