spotify-videos 1.8.2

Creator: bradpython12

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spotifyvideos 1.8.2

Spotify Music Videos

A simple tool to show Youtube music videos and lyrics for the currently playing Spotify songs with VLC.


Python 3.6+

For Linux users:

PyGI (not packaged on PyPi, you need to install it from your distribution's repository - it's usually called python-gi, python-gobject or pygobject). Here's a quick tutorial on how to install it on most systems.

GLib. You most likely have it installed already.

How to install

You can use pip to install it: pip3 install spotify-videos --user

If you're on Arch Linux, you can install it from the AUR: spotify-videos

You can also download the latest release. Uncompress the spotify-videos-X.Y.Z.tar.gz file and run inside the folder: python3 install --user

For Windows and Mac users, the Spotify Web API will be used. This means that:

You have to sign in and set it up manually
Only Spotify Premium users are able to use some functions
API calls are limited to 1 per second so there is more lag

How to obtain your client ID and your client secret:

Go to the Spotify Developers Dashboard
Create a new client ID. You can fill the descriptions as you like. Click No when asked if it's a commercial integration and accept the Terms and Conditions in the next step.
Go to Edit Settings and type http://localhost:8888/callback/ in the Redirect URIs field.
You can now copy your Client ID and Client Secret and add them when you call spotify-videos by passing them as arguments or by exporting the enviroment variables so that you don't have to type them again:

spotify-videos --username your_username --client-id your_client_id --client-secret your_client_secret
export SPOTIPY_CLIENT_ID='your-spotify-client-id'; export SPOTIPY_CLIENT_SECRET='your-spotify-client-secret'

You may be prompted to paste the resulting link that was opened in your browser into the program. After doing it, the authorization process will be complete. The auth info should be kept in a cache file named .cache-[your_username]
How to use
You can use these flags to modify the behavior of the program:
usage: spotify-videos [-h] [-v] [--debug] [-n] [-f] [-a VLC_ARGS]
[--width MAX_WIDTH] [--height MAX_HEIGHT] [-w]
[--username USERNAME] [--client-id CLIENT_ID]
[--client-secret CLIENT_SECRET]

Windows and Mac users must pass --username, --client-id and --client-secret to
use the web API. Read more about how to obtain them in the README

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
--debug display debug messages
-n, --no-lyrics do not print lyrics
-f, --fullscreen play videos in fullscreen mode
-a VLC_ARGS, --args VLC_ARGS
other arguments used when opening VLC. Note that some
like args='--fullscreen' won't work in here
--width MAX_WIDTH set the maximum width for the played videos
--height MAX_HEIGHT set the maximum height for the played videos
-w, --use-web-api forcefully use Spotify's web API
--username USERNAME your Spotify username. Mandatory if the web API is
being used. Example: --username='yourname'
--client-id CLIENT_ID
your client ID. Mandatory if the web API is being
used. Check the README to see how to obtain yours.
Example: --client-
--client-secret CLIENT_SECRET
your client secret ID. Mandatory if the web API is
being used. Check the README to see how to obtain
yours. Example: --client-

Current limitations:

Spotify doesn't currently (15/07/19) support the MPRIS property Position so the starting offset is calculated manually and may be a bit rough.
Spotify's Web API doesn't allow function calls on updates like DBus, meaning that the metadata has to be manually updated every second and checked in case of changes.

Helpful documentation links for contributing:

DBus, pydbus

Running module locally:
python -m spotify_videos
Running tests with unittest:
python -m unittest or python -m unittest discover -s tests


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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