
Creator: coderz1093

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sqflite laravel style queries

Sqflite Easy Query #
A new Flutter project for easy sqlite queries for beginner who did not know how to write queries.
👉 Step One: Extend with MyDb and Add table name to Model Class #
you can compare with sample model lib\services\sqlite\models\UserDbModel.dart
class UserDbModel extends SqfliteEasyDb{
String tableName = 'users';
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👉 Step Second: Migrations #
You need to make table modifications queries as follow
â–ª Example of create table #
Note: Primary key or autoincrement only use for one column in a table otheriwse you will get expectation
Note2: to create table atleast one column is required using method addColumn()
await UserDbModel()
.addColumn(name: "column_name_one", type: ColumnType.integer, isPrimaryKey: true, isAutoIncrement: true)
.addColumn(name: "column_name_two", type: ColumnType.text, isNUll: true)
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â–ª Example of drop table #
A table can be drop by this method dropTable()
await UserDbModel().dropTable().execute();
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â–ª Example of add columns in table #
To add column to existing table you need to use method addColumn()
await UserDbModel()
.addColumn(name: "column_name_three", type: ColumnType.text, isNUll: true)
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â–ª Example of delete column in table #
// not supported yet
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â–ª Example of rename column in table #
renameColumn() method is use to rename column mame in a table
await UserDbModel()
.renameColumn(oldName: "column_name_four", newName: "column_name_four")
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👉 Step Third: Tables Supported Queries Actions #
Here are some sample queries that you can use
â–ª Insert Record #
UserDbModel(name: "name", fatherName: "father").insert();
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â–ª Update Record #
UserDbModel(name: "name", fatherName: "father").where("id", 1).update();
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â–ª Delete Record #
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â–ª Get Record #
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â–ª Count Record #
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â–ª Pluck Record #
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👉 Step Four: Handle output of instance #
You can use get query instance as
await UserDbModel().get().queryResult;


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â–ª Available Methods that can apply on Query #
await UserDbModel()
// .joining('INNER JOIN table_name_2 ON table_name.id = table_name_2.id')
// .select(['id','column_name_one']) // select specific column
// .whereBetween('id', ['1','10']) // accept only two values in array
// .orWhereBetween('id', ['1','10']) // accept only two values in array
// .whereIn('id', ['1','2','3'])
// .orWhereIn('column_name_one', '1', operator: Operator.equal)
// .whereNotIn('column_name_one', '1', operator: Operator.equal)
// .where('column_name_one', '1', operator: Operator.equal)
// .orWhere('column_name_one', '1', operator: Operator.equal)
// .whereNull(column_name_one)
// .orderBy('column_name_two', 'DESC')
// .skip(1)
// .limit(2)
// .page(2)
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Hassan Mehmood



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