
Creator: coderz1093

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sql query manager

Dart package for data management in SQL databases, primarily intended for use with the sqflite package.
Features #
Make Consults with Data-Classes #
Make Inserts with automatic validations #
Getting started #
Creates classes that extend TableSql, in which you must specify the Table Instance, Create Form, and Edit Form.
class MyTable
extends TableSql<MyTable, MyTableCreationForm, MyTableEditionReplace> {
///The name of the table
String get tableName => "name_of_my_table";

///Columns properties of the table
ColumnSql get localId => ColumnSql(
columnName: "local_id",
addedInVersion: 1,
dataType: SqlDataType.integer,
primaryKey: true,
autoIncrement: true);

ColumnSql get otherColumn => ColumnSql(
columnName: "other_column",
addedInVersion: 1,
dataType: SqlDataType.text,
notNull: true,
unique: true);

///This list is used for internal management of columns in the database
List<ColumnSql> get columns => [localId, otherColumn];

///These will be the data that will be sent in the INSERT INTO
Map<ColumnSql, dynamic> insertMap(final MyTableCreationForm creationForm) {
return {otherColumn: creationForm.dataOfOtherColumn};

///These will be the data that will be sent in the UPDATE
Map<ColumnSql, dynamic> editMap(final MyTableEditionReplace editionForm) {
return {otherColumn: editionForm.dataOfOtherColumn};

///The instance must always reference itself (for internal use in development)
get instance => this;
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Usage #
Once you have the tables designed, you can start using them for the following purposes
Creation #
await MyTable().makeInsert(
database: database,
creationForm: MyTableCreationForm(dataOfOtherColumn: "Data"));
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Visualization #
await database.rawQuery(MyTable().makeSelect());
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For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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