SQLDbWrpr 4.1.4

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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SQLDbWrpr 4.1.4





Only the MySQL implementation is working. The MSSQL ODBC implementation is giving me a lot of shit with the connection and I gave up for now to get it working.


Since this is intended for experimental purposes, it is recommended to create a virtual environment to experiment for installation.
Set the following environment variables in the virtual environment. Set these in your IDE as well.
Start Docker. The docker-rebuild.bat script will git docker up and running.
The setup and installation is for Windows. Feel free to add contribute to get it running on Linux as well.

python -m venv ./sqlalchemyexample_venv
pip install sqlalchemyexample
pre-commit install
SET MYSQL_HOST=localhost
SET MYSQL_ROOT_PWD=N0tS0S3curePassw0rd


This project uses pytest to run tests.
There are various settings combinations in the [tool.pytest.ini_options] section of the pyproject.toml file that can used by commenting it out.
This project uses black to format code and flake8 for linting. We also support pre-commit to ensure these have been run. To configure your local environment please install these development dependencies and set up the commit hooks.



Naming Conventions

File names

Not knowing what’s to come and what will be added, it is difficult to determine a naming convention for source, test and other file names. The owner will therefore be a “benevolent dictator” to rename and change names.
Link the file name of the source code and the test so that it is easily linked.

Branch names
“enhancement” | “bug” | “hotfix”/< ticket_nr>_<description>

enhancement - Planned improvement or addition to functionality; non-urgent.
bug - An error or defect causing incorrect or unexpected behavior; typically fixed in regular development cycles.
hotfix - An urgent, critical fix applied directly to the live environment, often bypassing regular development cycles.
ticket_nr: Ticket number assigned to the issue in GitHub. Once an issue is registered, the owner will assign a ticket.
description: GitHub issue title or combination of titles is more than one issue is addressed.

For the purpose of push and release of code two script files are included. Use there two files to files to make life a
bit easier. The scripts make use of the gitit module to simplify tasks.

push.bat - Use this script to push branches to GitHub repository. In principle it does the following:

usage: push message
e.g. push “Changed the Infinite Improbability Drive”

.rst syntax check
git add -A
git commit -m message (with pre-commit including black and flake8)
git push –all

release.bat - Use this script to push a new tag and release to the GitHub repository. Remember to change the version number in the setup.cfg else the workflow will fail.

usage: release version The version will match the release and the tag. Only issue a release once a push.bat was successful. In principle it does the following:
e.g. release 1.2.3

Commit the changes
Create and push the release tag with the correct naming conventions.
Checkout master since it assumes that the branch is now merged with master and will be deleted.
display a list of all the current branches as a reminder to delete the branch on completion.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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