
Creator: coderz1093

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sqllite table builder

Programmatically create SQL Lite tables.
Currently SQFLite is tested.

Warning: This package is in alpha. Use it at own risk.

Features #

Programmatically create SQL Lite tables.
User Foreign Keys to link tables.
Use nice programming interface to ensure better safety.

Getting started #
dart pub add sqllite_table_builder
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Usage #
// Create a table builder with table name and default primary key.
final someDataTable = SqlTableBuilder("some_data");
// Generate SQL query to create this table.
final someDataQuery = someDataTable.buildSqlCreateQuery();
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// Create a table builder with table name and specified primary key.
final userProfileTableBuilder = SqlTableBuilder(
primaryKey: SqlColumn(name: "uuid", type: SqlType.text),

// Add required columns to a table.
..createColumn("name", SqlType.text)
..createColumn("age", SqlType.integer)

// Generate SQL query to create this table.
final userProfileQuery = userProfileTableBuilder.buildSqlCreateQuery();
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More examples in /examples directory and /tests.
Additional information #
If you would like to contribute to the plugin, check out it's Github page.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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