
Creator: coderz1093

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squarealfa entity generator

This package includes code generators that augment classes that are meant to be used as business entities. More concretely, the generated classes add the following features to otherwise barebones PODO - Plain Old Dart Object - classes:

Business rules validation
Extension to add copyWith method
Builder class

Getting Started #
Validations #
Start by adding the @validatableannotation to the PODO class for which you want validation code to be generated:
/// ensure the library has the part statement.
part 'recipe.g.dart';

class Recipe {

final String title;

const Recipe({required this.title});

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This will generate a Validator class that will contain a validation method for each of the properties of the PODO class. By default each validation method will return null, as examplified:
/// This is an example of a generated validator class.
class RecipeValidator implements Validator {
const RecipeValidator();

ValidationError? validateTitle(String value) {
return null;

ErrorList validate(covariant Recipe entity) {
var errors = <ValidationError>[];
ValidationError? error;
if ((error = validateTitle(entity.title)) != null) {

return ErrorList(errors);

void validateThrowing(covariant Recipe entity) {
var errors = validate(entity);
if (errors.validationErrors.isNotEmpty) throw errors;

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Annotate each field with a rule that you want to apply to that field:
/// ensure the library has the part statement.
part 'ingredient.g.dart';

class Ingredient {

@StringLength(minLength: 10)
final String description;

@StringLength(maxLength: 10)
final String? notes;

@StringLength(minLength: 2)
final String? tag;

@DoubleRange(minValue: 10, maxValue: 20)
final double quantity;

@Range(minValue: 10)
final Decimal precision;

@Range(minValue: 10, maxValue: 20)
final int intQuantity;

@Range(minValue: 10, maxValue: 20)
final int? nintQuantity;

@Range(minValue: 10, maxValue: 20)
final int? rInt;

required this.description,
required this.quantity,
required this.precision,
required this.intQuantity,

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Builder #
Add a @builder annotation to the PODO:
/// ensure the library has the part statement.
part 'recipe.g.dart';

class Recipe {
final String title;

final String? description;

required this.title,
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This will generate a non-immutable builder class:
class RecipeBuilder implements Builder<Recipe> {
String title;
String? description;

required this.title,

factory RecipeBuilder.fromRecipe(Recipe entity) {
return RecipeBuilder(
title: entity.title,
description: entity.description,

Recipe build() {
var entity = Recipe(
title: title,
description: description,
return entity;

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copyWith #
Add a @builder annotation to the PODO:
/// ensure the library has the part statement.
part 'recipe.g.dart';

class Recipe {
final String title;

final String? description;

required this.title,
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This will generate an extension to the PODO that adds the copyWith method:
extension RecipeCopyWithExtension on Recipe {
Recipe copyWith({
String? title,
String? description,
bool setDescriptionToNull = false,
}) {
return Recipe(
title: title ?? this.title,
setDescriptionToNull ? null : description ?? this.description,
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Context #
This package is part of a set of losely integrated packages that constitute the Dartaculous Framework.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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