
Creator: coderz1093

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sresources generator

A generator for colors,images,language texts etc.
Can adjust to GetX library.
1、image files:
Just put under project_root/assets/image/(dark|light) folder, dark and light stands for two themes, so that can add other theme folders, and the name can customize.
Note that need add sub folders to the pubspec.yaml, or sub folders won't be build into packages.
The name of picture of each theme should be the same.
If a image doesn't exist in a specific theme folder, it will auto use the version in default theme folder which configured in pubspec.yaml when use the theme.
If not config the default image folder in pubspec.yaml, generator will use the first folder's name as the default.
2、color resources:
Create a sub folder of assets named color(or else, but should configure in the pubspec.yaml as below tutorial shows), and then can create xxx.xml file, the file name better according to your theme's value(like the dark/light folder under image folder).
And then, add colors in your xxx.xml just like Android color xml format:
If a color doesn't exist in the specific color xml, it will auto use the version in default theme xml which configured in pubspec.yaml when use the theme.
Can use @colorName to link to another exist color, if target color not found, this color will not add to the generated file.
If not config the default color file in pubspec.yaml, generator will use the first file's name as the default.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<color name="white">#FFFFFF</color>
<color name="black">#000000</color>
<color name="gray_70">@black</color>
<color name="gray_70">#EEEEEE</color>
<color name="gray_410">#979797</color>
<color name="crimson_red" type="material">#CF2A2A</color>
<color name="yellow_ocher" type="material material-accent">#DF9527</color>
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3、text resources:
1). for GetX:
The language text contents will be like:
Map<String,String> localeZH_CN={
"hello_blank_fragment":"简中Hello blank fragment\",\"",
"hello_blank_fragment2":r'"简中Hello blank fragment",""',
"hello_blank_fragment3": "简中Hello blank\n, fragment",
"hello_blank_fragment4" :'简中Hello blank\n, fragment',
"hello_blank_fragment1" : "简中Hello@{test1} blank @{test2} fragment",
"hello_blank_fragment5" : '''简中Hello blank fragment5''',
"hello_blank_fragment6" : r'''简中Hello blank 'fragment6''',
"hello_blank_fragment7" : r'''简中Hello
blank ' "
test @{name}
"hello_blank_fragment9" :'简中Hello blank, @name fragment9',
"hello_blank_fragment10" :r'简中Hello blank, @{test}fragment10',
"hello_blank_fragment11" : """简中Hello
blank ; ' "
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@AppTextsSource() use to tag this map for generating, can also by add path of this file to the pubspec.yaml to specify.
@{test1} and other string in this format(@{...}) are the patterns which can be replaced with real values when use, after generating, test1 will become the parameter of the text get function.
3、route resources:
1). for GetX:
Add annotations to your page class like:
@AppRouteGet(path: '/sresdemo/routeTestPage',name: 'routeTest',transition: GetTransition.rightToLeft)
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Name will use as the name of this route field, and transition is the page shown animation according to GetX.
After generation you will get a class like:
class TestRoutes{

static const TextTest = "/sresdemo/textTestPage";
static const routeTest = "/sresdemo/routeTestPage";
static const themeTestPage = "/sresdemo/themeTest";

static final pages = [
GetPage(name:TextTest,page: ()=> const TextTestPage(),),
GetPage(name:routeTest,page: ()=> const RouteTestPage(),transition: Transition.rightToLeft),
GetPage(name:themeTestPage,page: ()=> ThemeTestPage(),),

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TestRoutes is a name configured in pubspec.yaml
To be continued...
configurations in your project pubspec.yaml
sresources_generator: x.x.x

// optional configurations
output: lib/resources/ //output folder

enabled: true //enable generator
path: assets/color/ //color xml file folder path
default: 0 //color xml file for default theme, note that each color xml should named with the theme value
name: AppColors //class name

enabled: true //enable generator
path: assets/images/ //image file folder(parent) path
default: 0 //image file folder for default theme, note that each folder should named with the theme value
name: AppImagess //class name

//haven't implement this
enabled: true //enable generator
name: AppTexts //class name

languages_get: //GetX library style
enabled: true //enable generator(opposite with languages config)
name: AppTexts //class name
transition: Transition.rightToLeft //default shown animation

//in writing...
routes_get: //GetX library style page route
enabled: true //enable generator
name: AppRoutes //class name

- assets/images/
- assets/images/0/ #themes 0 images folder
- assets/images/1/ #themes 1 images folder

- assets/color/ #exclude the color resources xml files(don't add to build packages)
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