srt-timer 0.2

Creator: bradpython12

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srttimer 0.2

srt-timer simply converts subtitles from one timing to another one.

Usage example
You downloaded Fear the Walking Dead, episode 03x06, version 720p.WEB-DL-RARBG and
you want to have an Italian subtitles. However Italian subtitles are just
for the version REPACK.SVA…
Now you can simply use srt-timer for convert the subtitles to the wanted version.
First, you have to download English subtitles in both REPACK.SVA and 720p.WEB-DL-RARBG
and then you can create repack2webdl.sdiff file with conversion information:
$ srt_timer make_sdiff --strip-original 11 \
> "Fear the Walking Dead - 03x06 - Red" \
> "Fear the Walking Dead - 03x06 - Red Dirt.WEB-DL" \
> --output repack2webdl.sdiff
strip-original argument removes the preview subtitles that shouldn’t be in the final version.
Now you convert your Italian subtitles to 720p.WEB-DL-RARBG version with the created sdiff file:
$ srt_timer convert --sdiff repack2webdl.sdiff \
> "Fear the Walking Dead - 03x06 - Red" \
> --output
And you’re done.

The package is on Pypi, so you can install it simply with pip install srt-timer

Usage manual
For help just type srt_timer --help or srt_timer [command] --help
For all commands, the result is printed to the standard output by default.
If you define the output argument, then it’s printed to a specified file.

Convert srt file from one timing to another one.
You can use it with a sdiff file like in the usage example or you can
convert subtitles directly by providing original-timing and new-timing
arguments instead of sdiff argument. In the second case you can also
provide the strip-original argument to strip surplus subtitles on the beginning
of a file.

Create a sdiff file.
It has two required arguments: srt file with original timing and srt file with wanted timing.
Optional arguments are strip-original and output.
The strip-original argument should be number of the last subtitle
in the “You’ve seen previously…” section if it isn’t desired in a new subtitle version.
If defined, it will trim all subtitles starting before or at the time of the provided subtitle.

Create a sdiff file for the backwards conversion.
This command expects just one argument input - a sdiff file.
It will change its information, so it’s possible to execute the opposite conversion.
$ srt_timer reverse_sdiff repack2webdl.sdiff -o webdl2repack.sdiff

Need help?
If you have trouble using srt-timer, make a new issue on
the GitHub page of the project
or mail me at

0.2 - 2017-07-11

reverse_sdiff command to create a sdiff file for a backwards conversion
Simplier entrypoint srt_timer as an opposite of

0.1 - 2017-07-06

make_sdiff command to create a sdiff file
convert command to convert srt file from one timing to another one


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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