ssrcli 3.1.2

Creator: bradpython12

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ssrcli 3.1.2


SSR management client on Linux with command line interface

Command line interface, which is friendly for headless environment
All-in-one management for SSR application, configuration and subscription
pacman-style commands, which is short and easy for use
Support subscription update, configuration share URL and more useful function


Python >= 3.6
git for SSR installation
lsof to check local port

Get Started
First install this package from PyPI:
pip3 install ssrcli

Then use ssrcli to install SSR:
ssrcli --install

Following XDG Base Directory Specification,
SSR will be downloaded to ~/.local/share/shadowsocksr
Then add your SSR configuration using ssrcli and use it. For example, if you have a SSR subscription url, do:
# Add a subscription
ssrcli -Saj '{"name": "<the name>", "url": "<the url>"}'
# Update all subscription
ssrcli -Sua
# List all got configuration
ssrcli -Cla
# Choose one. With its id, use the configuration
ssrcli -Csc '<the id>'
# Start SSR
ssrcli -O
# Or restart SSR, which would ensure SSR is on
ssrcli -R

For more information, refer to the below content of this readme or ssrcli -h
We recommend not to use a custom ssrcli config file for the default config is enough and good
ssrcli will go through XDG_CONFIG_DIRS to search for ssrcli/ssrcli-config.json to load.
Following XDG Standard, you should put your config file as ~/.config/ssrcli/ssrcli-config.json.
This is a JSON file which can optionally contains the below options. Both upper case and lower case is OK.

Default Value

Path to the database file containing all data

Path to the folder containing SSR

Path to the SSR config file

Local port used by SSR

See below
Extra JSON content added to SSR config file

Timeout when updating (Unit: s)

Retry times when update failed

The default value of SSR_CONF_EXTRA_FIELDS is:
"local_address": "",
"local_port": "$SSR_LOCAL_PORT",
"timeout": 300

In this JSON $SSR_LOCAL_PORT will be replaced by the same-name config argument SSR_LOCAL_PORT
Show help and version:
More options could be found here
ssrcli -h
ssrcli -V

Below we shorten configuration as conf and subscription as sub
Install/remove SSR with --install and --remove
Start/stop/restart SSR with -O(on), -F(off) and -R(restart)
Test SSR integrity with --test
Manage conf with -C and sub with -S
Both conf and sub support -l(list), -n(add), -d(delete)
Conf additionally support -s(use), sub additionally support -u(update)
You can pass multi -c <id> to choose multi objects to be processed
You can pass -j <json> to provide information. The option value should be a valid JSON with all required fields.
You can add -a to perform action on all objects, and usually without -a, the default objects of a action is all
objects except for -d(delete). Without given objects -d(delete) will raise a exception.
As for update, when updating a sub, all old conf belonging to the sub will be removed
You can pass -r(current) to ssrcli when using -l(list) to show currently used SSR conf
For more information, type ssrcli -h to read. The below is some examples:
# Show help
ssrcli -h
# Add a conf from JSON
ssrcli -Caj '{
"server": "::1",
"server_port": 30000,
"protocol": "origin",
"method": "none",
"obfs": "plain",
"password": "test",
"obfs_param": "",
"protocol_param": "",
"remarks": "test",
"group": "test"
# Add a sub from JSON
ssrcli -Caj '{"name": "test", "url": "https://test.test"}'
# List all conf with currently used conf
ssrcli -Clar
# Update all sub with proxy
ssrcli -Suap '{"socks5": ""}'

First install the test requirements in requirements.txt
Then Move to tests folder and start the tests with script:
cd tests # IMPORTANT, as many tests would rely on the relative path

In tests, port 1080, 8001, 8002 will be used. Make sure them bindable or change the ports in and
Internet is required to download SSR.
Or you can use another pytest command in with downloading SSR to tests/shadowsocksr previously.
For the use of Popen, after a failed test port 1080 may be bind by left SSR. Just kill it.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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