stablehlo-coreml-experimental 0.0.5

Creator: bradpython12

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stablehlocoremlexperimental 0.0.5

Convert StableHLO models into Apple Core ML format
This repo is currently experimental!
Only a subset of the StableHLO operations have been implemented, and some of them may have restrictions.
Due to the current dot_general op implementation, it is only possible to target iOS >= 18.
Look in the tests directory, to see what has currently been tested.
The package is published to PyPi as stablehlo-coreml-experimental.
Converting a model
To convert a StableHLO module, do the following:
import coremltools as ct
from stablehlo_coreml.converter import convert
from stablehlo_coreml import DEFAULT_HLO_PIPELINE

mil_program = convert(hlo_module,
cml_model = ct.convert(

For a Jax project, the hlo_module can be obtained the following way:
import jax
from jax._src.lib.mlir import ir
from jax._src.interpreters import mlir as jax_mlir
from jax.export import export

import jax.numpy as jnp

def jax_function(a, b):
return jnp.einsum("ij,jk -> ik", a, b)

context = jax_mlir.make_ir_context()
input_shapes = (jnp.zeros((2, 4)), jnp.zeros((4, 3)))
jax_exported = export(jax.jit(jax_function))(*input_shapes)
hlo_module = ir.Module.parse(jax_exported.mlir_module(), context=context)

For the Jax example to work, you will additionally need to install absl-py and flatbuffers as dependencies.
For additional examples see the tests directory.

coremltools supports up to python 3.11. Do not run hatch with a newer version.
Can be controlled using fx export HATCH_PYTHON=python3.11
Run tests using hatch run test:pytest tests


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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