stac-fastapi.mongo 3.2.0

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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stacfastapi.mongo 3.2.0

Mongo backend for the stac-fastapi project built on top of the sfeos core api library.

To install from PyPI:
pip install stac_fastapi.mongo

For changes, see the Changelog
Development Environment Setup
To install the classes in your local Python env, run:
pip install -e .[dev]

Install pre-commit.
Prior to commit, run:
pre-commit run --all-files

Build stac-fastapi.mongo backend
docker-compose up mongo
docker-compose build app-mongo

Running Mongo API on localhost:8084
docker-compose up app-mongo

To create a new Collection:
curl -X "POST" "http://localhost:8084/collections" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
-d $'{
"id": "my_collection"

Note: this "Collections Transaction" behavior is not part of the STAC API, but may be soon.
Collection pagination
The collections route handles optional limit and token parameters. The links field that is
returned from the /collections route contains a next link with the token that can be used to
get the next page of results.
curl -X "GET" "http://localhost:8084/collections?limit=1&token=example_token"

make test

Ingest sample data
make ingest

Basic Auth
Environment Variable Configuration
Basic authentication is an optional feature. You can enable it by setting the environment variable BASIC_AUTH as a JSON string.

User Permissions Configuration
In order to set endpoints with specific access permissions, you can configure the users key with a list of user objects. Each user object should contain the username, password, and their respective permissions.
Example: This example illustrates the configuration for two users: an admin user with full permissions (*) and a reader user with limited permissions to specific read-only endpoints.
"users": [
"username": "admin",
"password": "admin",
"permissions": "*"
"username": "reader",
"password": "reader",
"permissions": [
{"path": "/", "method": ["GET"]},
{"path": "/conformance", "method": ["GET"]},
{"path": "/collections/{collection_id}/items/{item_id}", "method": ["GET"]},
{"path": "/search", "method": ["GET", "POST"]},
{"path": "/collections", "method": ["GET"]},
{"path": "/collections/{collection_id}", "method": ["GET"]},
{"path": "/collections/{collection_id}/items", "method": ["GET"]},
{"path": "/queryables", "method": ["GET"]},
{"path": "/queryables/collections/{collection_id}/queryables", "method": ["GET"]},
{"path": "/_mgmt/ping", "method": ["GET"]}

Public Endpoints Configuration
In order to set endpoints with public access, you can configure the public_endpoints key with a list of endpoint objects. Each endpoint object should specify the path and method of the endpoint.
Example: This example demonstrates the configuration for public endpoints, allowing access without authentication to read-only endpoints.
"public_endpoints": [
{"path": "/", "method": "GET"},
{"path": "/conformance", "method": "GET"},
{"path": "/collections/{collection_id}/items/{item_id}", "method": "GET"},
{"path": "/search", "method": "GET"},
{"path": "/search", "method": "POST"},
{"path": "/collections", "method": "GET"},
{"path": "/collections/{collection_id}", "method": "GET"},
{"path": "/collections/{collection_id}/items", "method": "GET"},
{"path": "/queryables", "method": "GET"},
{"path": "/queryables/collections/{collection_id}/queryables", "method": "GET"},
{"path": "/_mgmt/ping", "method": "GET"}
"users": [
"username": "admin",
"password": "admin",
"permissions": "*"

Basic Authentication Configurations
See docker-compose.basic_auth_protected.yml and docker-compose.basic_auth_public.yml for basic authentication configurations.


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