stac-tiler 0.0rc2

Creator: bradpython12

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stactiler 0.0rc2

A rio-tiler plugin to handler STAC items

$ pip install pip -U
$ pip install stac-tiler --pre # stac-tiler is in pre-release 0.0rc1 version

# Or using source

$ pip install git+

How To
stac-tiler is based on rio-tiler-crs and morecantile.

class STACReader:
STAC + Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF Reader.

with STACReader(stac_path) as stac:

my_stac = {
"type": "Feature",
"stac_version": "1.0.0",
with STACReader(None, item=my_stac) as stac:

filepath: str
STAC Item path, URL or S3 URL.
item: Dict, optional
STAC Item dict.
tms: morecantile.TileMatrixSet, optional
TileMatrixSet to use, default is WebMercatorQuad.
minzoom: int, optional
Set minzoom for the tiles.
minzoom: int, optional
Set maxzoom for the tiles.
include_assets: Set, optional
Only accept some assets.
exclude_assets: Set, optional
Exclude some assets.
include_asset_types: Set, optional
Only include some assets base on their type
include_asset_types: Set, optional
Exclude some assets base on their type

bounds: tuple[float]
STAC bounds in WGS84 crs.
center: tuple[float, float, int]
STAC item center + minzoom

tile(0, 0, 0, assets="B01", expression="
Read a map tile from the COG.
part((0,10,0,10), assets="B01", expression="
B1/B20", max_size=1024)
Read part of the COG.
preview(assets="B01", max_size=1024)
Read preview of the COG.
point((10, 10), assets="B01")
Read a point value from the COG.
stats(assets="B01", pmin=5, pmax=95)
Get Raster statistics.
Get Assets raster info.
metadata(assets="B01", pmin=5, pmax=95)
info + stats


STACReader.tile(): Read map tile from STAC assets

with STACReader("stac.json") as stac:
tile, mask = stac.tile(1, 2, 3, tilesize=256, assets=["red", "green"])

# With expression
with STACReader("stac.json") as stac:
tile, mask = cog.tile(1, 2, 3, tilesize=256, expression="red/green")

STACReader.part(): Read part of STAC assets

with STACReader("stac.json") as stac:
data, mask = stac.part((10, 10, 20, 20), assets=["red", "green"])

# Limit output size (default is set to 1024)
with STACReader("stac.json") as stac:
data, mask = stac.part((10, 10, 20, 20), max_size=2000, assets=["red", "green"])

# Read high resolution
with STACReader("stac.json") as stac:
data, mask = stac.part((10, 10, 20, 20), max_size=None, assets=["red", "green"])

# With expression
with STACReader("stac.json") as stac:
data, mask = stac.part((10, 10, 20, 20), expression="red/green")

STACReader.preview(): Read a preview of STAC assets

with STACReader("stac.json") as stac:
data, mask = stac.preview(assets=["red", "green"])

# With expression
with STACReader("stac.json") as stac:
data, mask = stac.preview(expression="red/green")

STACReader.point(): Read point value of STAC assets

with STACReader("stac.json") as stac:
pts = stac.point(-100, 25, assets=["red", "green"])

# With expression
with STACReader("stac.json") as stac:
pts = stac.point(-100, 25, expression="red/green") Return simple metadata for STAC assets

with STACReader("stac.json") as stac:
info ="B01")
"B01": {
"bounds": [23.10607624352815, 31.50517374437416, 24.296464503939944, 32.51933487169619],
"center": [23.701270373734047, 32.012254308035175, 8],
"minzoom": 8,
"maxzoom": 11,
"band_metadata": [[1, {}]],
"band_descriptions": [[1, "band1"]],
"dtype": "uint16",
"colorinterp": ["gray"],
"nodata_type": "Nodata"

STACReader.stats(): Return statistics for STAC assets (Min/Max/Stdev)

with STACReader("stac.json") as stac:
"B01": {
"1": {
"pc": [
"min": 133,
"max": 8582,
"std": 1230.6977195618235,
"histogram": [
199042, 178438, 188457, 118369, 57544, 20622, 9275, 2885, 761, 146
133, 977.9, 1822.8, 2667.7, 3512.6, 4357.5, 5202.4, 6047.3, 6892.2, 7737.099999999999, 8582

STACReader.metadata(): Return info and statistics for STAC assets

with STACReader("stac.json") as stac:
print(stac.metadata(["B01"], pmin=5, pmax=95))
"B01": {
"bounds": [23.10607624352815, 31.50517374437416, 24.296464503939944, 32.51933487169619],
"center": [23.701270373734047, 32.012254308035175, 8],
"minzoom": 8,
"maxzoom": 11,
"band_metadata": [[1, {}]],
"band_descriptions": [[1, "band1"]],
"dtype": "uint16",
"colorinterp": ["gray"],
"nodata_type": "Nodata"
"statistics": {
"1": {
"pc": [
"min": 133,
"max": 8582,
"std": 1230.6977195618235,
"histogram": [
199042, 178438, 188457, 118369, 57544, 20622, 9275, 2885, 761, 146
133, 977.9, 1822.8, 2667.7, 3512.6, 4357.5, 5202.4, 6047.3, 6892.2, 7737.099999999999, 8582

Contribution & Development
Issues and pull requests are more than welcome.
dev install
$ git clone
$ cd stac-tiler
$ pip install -e .[dev]

Python >=3.7 only
This repo is set to use pre-commit to run isort, flake8, pydocstring, black ("uncompromising Python code formatter") and mypy when committing new code.
$ pre-commit install

$ git add .

$ git commit -m'my change'
Verifying PEP257 Compliance..............................................Passed

$ git push origin


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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