
Creator: coderz1093

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stacked notification cards

stacked_notification_cards #
A Flutter implementation of iOS style stacked notifications.
Features #

Given notifications can be stacked one upon the other (iOS style)
Notifications can be expanded with fan animation.
Individual notification card can slide either left or right
Individual cards or the entire stack of cards can be dismissed via slide action.
It's possible to use multiple StackedNotificationCards within a Column.

Make sure to wrap StackedNotificationCards in SingleChildScrollView if using within a Column.
Install #
In the pubspec.yaml of your flutter project, add the following dependency:
stacked_notification_cards: <latest_version>
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Add then following import:
import 'package:stacked_notification_cards/stacked_notification_cards.dart';
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Getting Started #
shadow: [
blurRadius: 2.0,
type: 'Message',
notifications: [..._listOfNotification],
cardColor: Color(0xFFF1F1F1),
padding: 16,
headerTitle: Text(
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 24,
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
headerShowLess: Text(
'Show less',
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 18,
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
color: Colors.deepPurple,
onTapClearAll: () {
setState(() {
headerClearAllButton: Icon(Icons.close),
clearAllStacked: Text('Clear All'),
clear: Text('clear'),
view: Text('view'),
onTapClearCallback: (index) {
setState(() {
onTapViewCallback: (index) {

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Demo #

Contributions #
Feel free to contribute to this project.

If you find a bug or want have a new feature request, please file an issue.
If you fixed a bug or implemented a feature, please send a pull request.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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