stackfull 1.0.0

Creator: bradpython12

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stackfull 1.0.0

This small utility package provides functions to be used
inside Python expressions that provide functionality
like that available in stack-based languages
(such as forth and postscript).
It registers a hidden variable in the current
running frame, which is a plain Python list -
calls to plain “push, pop, dup, retr”, etc…
will just push/recover elements from that list.
The intent is that whenever in an expression
a value is complicated to retrieve - (or
computationally extensive) - instead of
having to retrieve it in a previous line
and storing said value in a variable,
one gets the ability to “push” the value
in this implicit stack - and retrieve it
in another part of the same expression:
`result = pop().upper() if not push(get_my+expensive_value()).isdigit() else pop()`
For convenience, most functions return the valued passed
to them in the first place (like the push above).

As of version 0.20, and introduction of the window
function, stackfull is no longer Python 2.x compatible.

Available functions:


Clears the stack


Clears the stack up to the special sentinel value
MARK - this allows for clean-up of the stack after
a block of code, preserving the older values.
If the stack is not empty, returns the last value on the
stack non destructively, else, MARK itself is returned.


Removes the last value in the stack if the expression is false.
Made to be used in comprehensions, in the if part:
[pop().name for image in values if pop_if_false(push(image) is not None)]


Dplicates the last value on the stack
It also returns the value duplicated in a non-destructive way


Pops the last value from the stack


Pops the last value from the stack, and clears the stack.
This allows stackfull to be used inside generator expressions
and comprehensions, using a ‘push’ in the filtering expression,
and ‘popclear’ on the result expression.


Pushes a value into the stack, and returns the value itself
Along with ‘pop’ and ‘popclear’ this is the heart of
stackfull - as it allows an expensive function to be used
in a ‘if’ or ‘while’ test, and still have its value
available to use inside the defined block - without
the need of an explicit auxiliar variable


Returns the value itself, and Pushes a value into the stack, if it
is truthy. Otherwise does not touch the stack.
Nice to use inside comprehensions
in the “if” part: if the expession is not True, it is never pushed, and
extraneous values don’t pile up on the stack.
[pop().name for image in values if push_if_true(image)]


Peeks the last value on the stack without consuming it


Rolls the last ‘items’ values on the stack by
‘amount’ positions, changing their order.
Returns the value on the top of the stack after
the changes in a non destructive way.


Retrieves the stack as an ordinary Python list
(which it actually is), allowing one to perform
extra desired operations, such as ‘len’ or ‘insert’


Pre-populates a frame stack with the seed values,
and then iterates over the iterable -
This allows one to use the stack with initial values in a simple way
in a generator-expression context - like
fib = [push(stack()[-2] + stack()[-1]) for i in window(range(2, 10), 1,1)]

João S. O. Bueno <>
Help on module stackfull:

stackfull - Stack expression utilities

These functions use a “hidden” variable in the calling
code frame context to hold a stack (a Python list)
with values - the simple functionality here allow one
have much of the functionality of stack
based languages, like Postscript and Forth conveninently
available to be used in any Python expression.
(MAYBE) TODO: create a decorator which trasnform the operations here
in real operations in the Python VM stack,
by modifying the bytecode of calls to these utility functions into
actual Python VM stack operations.


Clears the stack

Clears the stack up to the special sentinel value
MARK - this allows for clean-up of the stack after
a block of code, preserving the older values.
If the stack is not empty, returns the last value on the
stack non destructively, else, MARK itself is returned.

Dplicates the last value on the stack
It also returns the value duplicated in a non-destructive way

Pops the last value from the stack

Pops the last value from the stack, and clears the stack.
This allows stackfull to be used inside generator expressions
and comprehensions, using a ‘push’ in the filtering expression,
and ‘popclear’ on the result expression.

Pushes a value into the stack, and returns the value itself
Along with ‘pop’ and ‘popclear’ this is the heart of
stackfull - as it allows an expensive function to be used
in a ‘if’ or ‘while’ test, and still have its value
available to use inside the defined block - without
the need of an explicit auxiliar variable

Peeks the last value on the stack without consuming it

roll(items, amount)
Rolls the last ‘items’ values on the stack by
‘amount’ positions, changing their order.
Returns the value on the top of the stack after
the changes in a non destructive way.

Retrieves the stack as an ordinary Python list
(which it actually is), allowing one to perform
extra desired operations, such as ‘len’ or ‘insert’

MARK = <object object>
SN = ‘.stackfull’



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