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state widget

StateWidget #
Chinese Document: README #
The StateWidget component is a generic state layout component that can display different layouts based on various states (such as loading, load failure, empty data, etc.).
Usage #
To use the StateWidget component, the following parameters need to be provided:

stateType: The type of state layout, enumerated as StateType, including the following values:

loading: Loading state
empty: Empty data state
error: Load failure state
success: Content display state

message: When the state layout type is empty or error, a text message can be passed to describe the specific state information.
onRetry: When the state layout type is error, a callback function can be passed to retry loading the data.
child: When the state layout type is success, a child component needs to be passed to display the content.

Example code:
//1. Direct usage
stateType: stateType,
loadingWidgetBuilder: (_, __) => const Text('Loading'),
emptyWidgetBuilder: (message, __) => const Text('Empty'),
errorWidgetBuilder: (message, onRetry) => TextButton(
onPressed: onRetry,
child: const Text("Click to Retry"),
onRetry: () {
setState(() {
stateType = StateType.loading;
message: "Prompt message",
child: const Text('Hello World'),

//2. Using the extension function .state to build
Text('Hello World').state(
stateType: stateType,
loadingWidgetBuilder: (_, __) => const Text('Loading'),
emptyWidgetBuilder: (message, __) => const Text('Empty'),
errorWidgetBuilder: (message, onRetry) => TextButton(
onPressed: onRetry,
child: const Text("Click to Retry"),
onRetry: () {
setState(() {
stateType = StateType.loading;
message: "Prompt message");

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Global Configuration #
The global configuration of the StateWidget component can be set as follows:
// Global initialization of state layout
errorWidgetBuilder: (String? message, VoidCallback? onRetry) => Column(
children: [
Text(message ?? "Error"),
TextButton(onPressed: onRetry, child: const Text("Click to Retry"))
emptyWidgetBuilder: (String? message, VoidCallback? onRetry) =>
Text(message ?? "Empty"),
loadingWidgetBuilder: (String? message, VoidCallback? onRetry) =>
Text(message ?? "Loading"));

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The StateWidgetConfig is a configuration class that includes the following parameters:

emptyWidgetBuilder: Custom component for building the empty data state.
errorWidgetBuilder: Custom component for building the load failure state.
loadingWidgetBuilder: Custom component for building the loading state.

Configuration Priority #
Local configuration > Global configuration


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