
Creator: coderz1093

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std uritemplate

std-uritemplate #

This is a complete and maintained cross-language implementation of the Uri Template specification RFC 6570 Level 4.

Low activity is this repository is expected as long as there are no outstanding bug reports the implementations are considered stable and mature.

Available implementations #











Usage #
Java #
You can use the library as a Maven dependency:
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in Gradle:
implementation 'io.github.std-uritemplate:std-uritemplate:REPLACE-ME'
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and use it in your project:
import io.github.stduritemplate.StdUriTemplate;


StdUriTemplate.expand(template, substitutions);
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Python #
Install the package with pip (or any alternative):
pip install std-uritemplate
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Use the library in your project:
from stduritemplate import StdUriTemplate


StdUriTemplate.expand(template, substitutions)
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Typescript/Javascript #
Install the package using npm:
npm i @std-uritemplate/std-uritemplate
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Use the package:
const { StdUriTemplate } = require('@std-uritemplate/std-uritemplate');


StdUriTemplate.expand(template, substitutions);
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Go #
Install the package:
go get
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and use it:
import stduritemplate ""


stduritemplate.Expand(template, substitutions)
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C# #
Install the package:
dotnet add package Std.UriTemplate
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and use it:
Std.UriTemplate.Expand(template, substitutions);
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Ruby #
Install the package:
gem install stduritemplate
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and use it:
require 'stduritemplate'


StdUriTemplate.expand(template, substitutions)
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Install the package:
composer require stduritemplate/stduritemplate
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and use it:
use StdUriTemplate\StdUriTemplate;


StdUriTemplate::expand($template, $substitutions);
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Swift #
Install the package, adding to Package.swift:
let package = Package(
dependencies: [
url: "",
from: "<version>"
targets: [
dependencies: [
.product(name: "stduritemplate",
package: "std-uritemplate-swift")
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and use it:
import stduritemplate


StdUriTemplate.expand(template, substitutions: substs)
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Dart #
Install the package:
dart pub add std_uritemplate
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for flutter:
flutter pub add std_uritemplate
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and use it:
import 'package:std_uritemplate/std_uritemplate.dart';


print(StdUriTemplate.expand(template, substitutions));
copied to clipboard
Design decisions #
We have a set of design decisions to guide:

zero dependencies
no usage of regexp
no options/configurations
only single expansion will be supported
single method public API
no language idiomatic API, only 1 low level primitive - we do encourage language-specific wrapper/alternative libraries
portable implementation across languages based on widely available patterns
target Level support is 4 (should pass all the canonical tests)
favor maintenance and readability
performance until they compromise readability
one implementation per ecosystem/runtime (e.g. 1 implementation in Java and no Kotlin/Scala/Closure, 1 in TS that will serve JS as well etc.)
substitutions will be performed for primitive types and date-time

The public API is composed by a single method(in Java for simplicity):
String expand(String template, Map<String, Object> substitutions)
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all the rest, should not be directly accessible.
Motivation #

In the Kiota project they are using Uri Templates to build URLs, and we have already spent enough life-time dealing with:

unmaintained projects
scarce feedback from maintainers
long release cycles
different nuances in different implementations
quirks and integration issues
frameworks and additional dependencies
diamond transitive dependencies

We aim to do it differently, by reducing maintenance to a minimum by automating it, and sharing responsibilities to reduce the bus/truck factor:

single repository
multiple implementations
fully automated testing standardized
fully automated releases on tag
same tradeoffs across languages
familiar implementation across languages
multiple maintainers in an independent organization

Uri Template is(likely) going to be included in the next OpenAPI specification and we need to rely on a (more) solid foundation to prevent our selves to spend long, tedious hours and days chasing hidden bugs, verifying compatibilities and waiting for unresponsive maintainers.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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