stmcli 1.2.1

Creator: bradpython12

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stmcli 1.2.1

[![Build Status](]( stmcliThe unofficial STM CLI client.stmcli aims to use the data made available by the [Société de transport de Montréal]( create an easy to use command line application to access bus/metro informations.This tool does not use any information of STM real time. It only retrieve the scheduled times for bus. ## Installation``` pip3 install stmcli ```(stmcli is only compatible with python3+ and GNU/Linux)## Usage```usage: stmcli [-h] [-b BUS_NUMBER] [-s BUS_STOP_CODE] [-n NUMBER_DEPARTURE] [-d DATE] [-t TIME] [-m METRO] [-y]optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -b BUS_NUMBER, --bus-number BUS_NUMBER # of the bus -s BUS_STOP_CODE, --bus-stop-code BUS_STOP_CODE Code of the bus stop -n NUMBER_DEPARTURE, --number-departure NUMBER_DEPARTURE The number of departures to print. Only works with both -b and -s specified -d DATE, --date DATE specify the date to use when getting Departure times. Format: aaaammjj -t TIME, --time TIME specify the time to use when getting Departure times. Format: HH:MM -m METRO, --metro METRO print the metro status for a given line require an internet connection. Accepted options: green, orange, yellow, blue and all -y, --force-update Do not ask before updating```### BusTo get the next departures times you need to specify at least -b and -s which are the bus number and the bus stop code.For example: ``` stmcli -b 150 -s 52150 ```would print the next 10 departures times of the bus "150 René-Lévesque EST" at the "du Sussex / René-Lévesque (52150)" bus stop.If you don't know your bus stop code or your bus number you can specify only -b or -s. specifying only -b will print all of the bus stop and -s alone will print all bus number for this stop code.By using the -d and/or the -t arguments you can get bus departures times from sometime in the future.For example: ``` stmcli -b 150 -s 52150 -d 20160328 -t 06:30 ```Would print almost the same thing as our first example The only exception is that it will print the 10 next departures after 6:30 AM on march 28th 2016.### MetroYou can also get the current status of the metro with ```-m```.For example: ``` stmcli -m green ``` will give you the current status of the green line.## LanguageYou can switch the output language of stmcli by editing your ```~/.stmcli/lang.txt```. (The file is generated the first time you run stmcli)The default is english.Switch to french with: ```echo "fr" > ~/.stmcli/lang.txt```Switch to english with: ```echo "en" > ~/.stmcli/lang.txt```## DevelopperSome information to generate a new package for local deployment* python3 bdist_wheel* pip3 install stmcli-1.*-py3-none-any.whl --user --upgrade* Linux user: the stmcli command is available at $HOME/.local/bin/stmcli* Verify installed is available: TBD### Investigate databaseBy default, the database is createdin ~/.stmcli/stm.db as sqlite format.Useful tool will be sqlitebrowser


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