
Creator: coderz1093

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storebounty auth

The storebounty_auth_v1 package is a crucial and mandatory component for all
StoreBounty projects. Designed specifically for the StoreBounty company, this
package provides a comprehensive solution for handling user authentication in
StoreBounty applications. It simplifies the process of managing user
authentication, ensuring a secure and seamless login experience for both
customers and administrators.
Features #
Key Features:

User Authentication: The storebounty_auth_v1 package offers a robust set of authentication
features, allowing users to securely register, log in, and manage their accounts within
StoreBounty applications.
Account Management: Users can easily update their profile information, change passwords,
and manage account settings with the convenience and reliability provided by the package.
Access Control: The package includes mechanisms for implementing access control and user
roles, enabling administrators to define different levels of access and permissions based on
user roles.
Integration with StoreBounty Apps: The storebounty_auth_v1 package seamlessly integrates
with other StoreBounty packages and applications, ensuring consistent and reliable
authentication across the entire StoreBounty ecosystem.

Getting started #
The storebounty_auth_v1 package is an essential component for all StoreBounty projects, designed
to work seamlessly in conjunction with the storebounty_init package. As a mandatory package for
StoreBounty applications, it focuses on user authentication and provides a secure and reliable
solution for managing user login and access control.
Usage #
To use the storebounty_auth_v1 package and include the StorebountyAuthPage() widget in your Flutter page, follow these steps:

Add the storebounty_auth_v1 package to your pubspec.yaml file. Open the pubspec.yaml file in your Flutter project and add the following line under the dependencies section:

storebounty_auth_v1: ^0.0.1
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Save the pubspec.yaml file and run flutter pub get in your terminal or use the relevant IDE command to fetch and install the storebounty_auth_v1 package.

In the Dart file where you want to use the StorebountyAuthPage() widget, import the

import 'package:storebounty_auth/storebounty_auth_v1.dart';
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Place the StorebountyAuthPage() widget anywhere within the widget tree of your page. We suggest you add it on a blank page:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:storebounty_auth/storebounty_auth_v1.dart';

class AuthScreen extends StatelessWidget {
const AuthScreen({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return StorebountyAuthPage(
onLoginSuccess: () {
//do something when the user credentioals is correct
onLoginFailed: () {
//do something when login failed
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Additional information #
For additional information about the storebounty_auth_v1 package, please visit
The website provides comprehensive details, documentation, and resources related to the
package, empowering you to maximize its potential in your projects.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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