
Creator: coderz1093

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storebounty cart manager

The storebounty_cart_manager package plays a crucial role in managing the storage of items in a cart and is an essential requirement for every Storebounty project.
By integrating the storebounty_cart_manager package into your Flutter project, you gain the ability to effectively handle various cart-related operations. These operations include adding items to the cart, removing items, retrieving the cart contents, and updating item quantities.
Features #
The primary purpose of the storebounty_cart_manager package is to facilitate seamless cart manipulation and assist in calculating the total amount or price of items within the cart.
By utilizing the storebounty_cart_manager package in your Flutter project, you gain access to convenient methods and functions that enable you to perform various cart-related operations such as adding items, removing items, and updating quantities. Additionally, the package provides functionality to calculate the total amount or price of the items present in the cart.
This feature proves invaluable in accurately determining the cumulative cost of the selected items, allowing for precise calculations and seamless management of cart amounts. The storebounty_cart_manager package greatly simplifies the process of cart manipulation and ensures accurate financial calculations within your Storebounty project.
Getting started #
To get started using the storebounty_cart_manager package in your Flutter project, follow these steps:

Open your Flutter project in your preferred code editor.
Open the pubspec.yaml file of your project.
Under the dependencies section, add the following line:

storebounty_cart_manager: ^0.0.1
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In your terminal or command prompt, navigate to your project directory and run the command:

Usage #
Here's are examples of how you can use the storebounty_cart_manager package in your Flutter project:
import 'package:storebounty_cart_manager/storebounty_cart_manager.dart';
import 'package:storebounty_cart_manager/model/cartmodel.dart';

var item = CartModel();

var response = await StoreBountyCartManager.addItemsToCart(item);

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Additional information #
For additional information about the storebounty_cart_manager package, please visit
The website provides comprehensive details, documentation, and resources related to the
package, empowering you to maximize its potential in your projects.


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