
Creator: coderz1093

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storebounty themes

The storebounty_themes package serves as a valuable tool for effortless visual customization and aids in defining the overall appearance and user experience of any storebounty mobile application. Each individual store within storebounty has the freedom to select their preferred theme, enabling them to establish a unique and personalized visual style.
Features #
The storebounty_themes package offers a range of features to enhance visual manipulation and facilitate the customization of storebounty mobile apps. Some of its key features include:

Theme Selection: The package allows each store within storebounty to choose a specific theme that aligns with their brand identity and desired aesthetics.
Seamless Integration: The themes package seamlessly integrates with the existing storebounty mobile app, ensuring a smooth transition and consistent user experience.
Visual Customization: It provides an extensive collection of customizable visual elements, such as colors, fonts, icons, and layouts, empowering stores to tailor the app's appearance to their liking.
Predefined Themes: The package offers a variety of prebuilt themes that stores can select as a starting point, saving time and effort in creating a unique visual style.
Theme Components: It includes a set of reusable and customizable UI components specifically designed for storebounty apps, enabling stores to easily implement consistent design patterns across different screens and functionalities.
Documentation and Support: The package is accompanied by comprehensive documentation and support resources, assisting stores in utilizing the theme customization features effectively.

By leveraging these features, the storebounty_themes package empowers stores within storebounty to create visually appealing and distinctive mobile app experiences that resonate with their target audience.
Getting started #
To get started using the storebounty_themes package in your Flutter project, follow these steps:

Open your Flutter project in your preferred code editor.
Open the pubspec.yaml file of your project.
Under the dependencies section, add the following line:

storebounty_themes: ^0.0.1
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In your terminal or command prompt, navigate to your project directory and run the command:

flutter pub get
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Usage #
The storebounty_themes package collaborates seamlessly with other storebounty packages to streamline and enhance the overall functionality and user experience. By working in conjunction with these complementary packages, it delivers a powerful and integrated process.
import 'package:storebounty_themes/entry/entrypoint.dart';

class AppHome extends StatelessWidget {
const AppHome({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return StorebountyTheme(
goToCheckout: (){
// before you navigate to checkout, user the storebounty_auth_v1 package to confirm whether the user is login
//if yes navigate to the storebounty_checkout package to process the users order.
//TODO:navigate to a screen with storebounty_checkout.
favouriteWidget:// widget ,
orderHistoryWidget: // widget
userAccountWidget: // widget optional if you are using soweto theme requires storebounty_account
drawerContent: // optional if you are using soweto theme requires storebounty_account

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Additional information #
For additional information about the storebounty_themes package, please visit
The website provides comprehensive details, documentation, and resources related to the
package, empowering you to maximize its potential in your projects.


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