storyboard 0.1.9

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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storyboard 0.1.9

Main documentation on Read the Docs:
Caution: Development has been deferred indefinitely as of July
23, 2015. However, contributions are welcome, and the maintainer will
review pull requests in a timely manner.
storyboard is an FFmpeg-based customizable
video storyboard generator with metadata reporting directly embedded in
the generated images. Reported metadata fields include, but are not
limited to, title, filename, file size, SHA-1 digest, container format,
duration, pixel dimension, display aspect ratio (DAR), scan type
(progressive, interlaced, or telecined), frame rate, and per-stream
metadata (type, codec, profile, dimensions, bitrate, etc.). Scroll down
for a few sample storyboards.
Note that this README only provides an overview and summary of the
topics listed below. For more details, follow the main article link in
each section.

Structure of this document

Installation and dependencies
Command-line usage
Sample storyboards

Main article:
storyboard was inspired by the storyboards I frequently encounter on
video-sharing Internet forums, mostly generated by proprietary video
players. Those storyboards often come with video/file metadata bundled,
which I see as a great all-in-one solution for video sharing, saving
one the labor of typing multiple console commands, copying and pasting
output, and worrying about the forum’s crappy formatting. However, I,
for one, dislike proprietary players. Also, those storyboards are
usually ugly and uninformative, using stupid fonts and lacking crucial
information that hackers look for (e.g., hash). Therefore, I developed
this customizable storyboard generator for hackers.

Installation and dependencies
Main article:


FFmpeg. Check the official downloads
page for installation
options. On OS X you may install FFmpeg via
Homebrew or
MacPorts. The former is recommended.
Pillow. This dependency will
be picked up by pip when you install storyboard, but you also
have to satisfy the external dependencies, especially libjpeg and
libfreetype. See the official installation
guide for
details. (Satisfying external dependencies is very important on
Linux, where no wheel distribution is provided on PyPI.)

End users should use pip:
pip install storyboard
Developers should clone the git repo for docs, tests, and more.

Command-line usage
Main article:
This package installs two console scripts, metadata and
storyboard. You may find documentation of both using the
-h,--help option. Extensive documentation is also available for

metadata CLI reference:
storyboard CLI reference:

By the way, the default invocation is really simple (for both): just
supply one or more video paths.

Sample storyboards
Main article:

Main article:

Please use the GitHub issue tracker:

Known issues

CJK support in filename and title? In short, no.
Found a codec you need that has no binding in and
leads to stupid output? File an issue or open a pull request. Please
link a sample file if it is not commonly seen and cannot be encoded
by FFmpeg.
ffprobe might report the wrong duration for certain VOB or other
videos, which screws up the whole thing. As a fallback, you can use
the option --video-duration of storyboard. Note however that
this option is extremely slow, and improving it is on my list.

This package comes with SourceCodePro-Regular.otf as the default
font, which is subject to the license of the Source Code Pro font
family. See
LICENSE.txt for details.
Source code in this package is released under the MIT


Date: 2017-10-29

Add audio sample rate and channel layout to metadata.

Date: 2017-07-25

Support Pillow 4.2.0+.

Date: 2017-04-09

Add total bit rate field to metadata.

Date: 2017-03-19

Upcase SHA-1 checksum in metadata;
Add more codecs.

Date: 2016-02-14

Support metadata tag TITLE;
Refresh badges;
Add notice about ceased development.

Date: 2015-06-14

Better link to the project:

Date: 2015-05-20

More lenient Unicode decoder

Date: 2015-05-10

Added CPython classifier to metadata (previously I added the PyPy
classifier but took CPython for granted)

Date: 2015-05-10

Officially added support for PyPy2 and PyPy3 (although PyPy,
especially PyPy2, is slower than CPython in this case)
A few extremely minor bug fixes and improvements; nothing changed
from a user’s perspective

Date: 2015-05-08
Hey, the stable is here!

Completed documentation:
Added --include-sha1sum option to console script storyboard
(useful when SHA-1 digest is disabled from config file)
Fixed frame extraction when video duration is missing or wrong in
container metadata

Date: 2015-05-08

CLI overhaul (be sure to check out the CLI reference); the CLI
is stable now
Greatly improved docs (not finished yet, will be completed before
the soon-to-be-released 0.1)

Date: 2015-04-21

Completely refactored API (API is much more extensible now, and
should be relatively stable from this point onward, at least until
0.1 stable)
Almost complete rewrite under the hood – everything should be much
more robust now
Support more formats and codecs, improve handling of existing
formats and codecs
Much better error handling in many places (e.g., when duration is
unavailable, it is just marked as unavailable in the output, rather
than throws)
Upped the game for several orders of maginitude on the doc side –
now you can build beautiful autodocs (I’ve yet to construct the
manual part of the docs, so I won’t release the docs to RTD or just yet)
Integrated with Travis (Ubuntu), AppVeyor (Windows),
(web interface for coverage), and (Python code quality
check – basically linter as a CI) to ensure code quality

Date: 2015-04-14

Improved error handling at various places
Wrote a test suite (and successfully tested on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS)

Date: 2015-04-11

Reimplement scan type detection (now much more robust, and able to
detect telecine)
Tested on Windows 8.1, and fixed progress bar printing issue within
cmd.exe and PowerShell (see #14)

Date: 2015-04-09

Print progress information to console
Version info included in banner

Date: 2015-04-05

Initial release


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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