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stratosfy scanner

snowm_scanner #
A cross platform package for flutter to scan beacons from SnowM Inc.
Getting Started #
Installation #
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Android Configuration
Make use you have flutter_embedding v2 enabled. Add the following code on the manifest file inside <application> tag to enable embedding.
android:value="2" />
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Also, use as your FlutterActivity
Bluetooth Permission #
Check permission
BluetoothPermissionState permissionState = await snowmScanner.getPermissionState();
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Ask permission
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Bluetooth Adapter State #
Check State Once
BluetoothState bluetoothState = await snowmScanner.getBluetoothState();
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Get Status Stream
// Get the state changed here
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Scanner Configuration #
Configure whether to send the scanned information to IOT Core via MQTT protocol. (Optional)
snowmScanner.configure(enableMqtt: true);

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Scanning #
Start Scanning beacons on foreground. Cancel the scanner by calling cancel() on the subscription stream
(Will only scan when the app is on foreground or just entered to background and has not been terminated by the OS)
snowmScanner.scanBeacons(uuids: uuids).listen((beacons) {
// Do anything with beacon
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Background Scanning (Optional) #
Android configuration #
Create a class that extends FlutterApplication and add the following code on the onCreate function.

class MyApplication : FlutterApplication() {
override fun onCreate() {
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Now register the class as your application name on manifest file under name label.
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Create a service which extends to SnowMBackgroundScanningService as below. You will get beacons scanned response on the onBeaconsDetected callback with beacons and customData that you can send while scanning.
class BackgroundScanner : SnowMBackgroundScanningService() {

override fun onBeaconsDetected(beacons: ArrayList<SnowMiBeacon>, customData: HashMap<String,Any>) {
super.onBeaconsDetected(beacons, customData)
Log.d("Scanner","Scanned beacons")
beacons.forEach {
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Now define the service on the manifest as below
<action android:name="io.stratosfy.stratosfy_scanner.BACKGROUND_SCANNER" />
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Also define a broadcast receiver to re initilize the scanner if its closed by uncertain events
<action android:name="android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED" />
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iOS configuration #
Create a class which extends SnowMBackgroundScanningServiceDelegate to receive detection callback.
import Foundation
import CoreLocation
import snowm_scanner

class BackgroundScannerResponse: NSObject, SnowMBackgroundScanningServiceDelegate, CLLocationManagerDelegate {
static let shared = BackgroundScannerResponse()

func onLocationUpdated(locations: [CLLocation]) {
print("on Location change detected");

func onBeaconDetected(beacons: [SnowMBeacon], customData: Dictionary<String, Any>?) {
print("onBeacon detected called from background scanner");
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You have to add an extension over your background scanner handler class
extension BackgroundScannerResponse{
public func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didEnterRegion region: CLRegion) {
if region is CLCircularRegion{
self.didEnterGeofence(region: region as! CLCircularRegion);
} else if region is CLBeaconRegion{
self.onRegionEntered(region: region as! CLBeaconRegion)

public func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didExitRegion region: CLRegion) {
if region is CLCircularRegion{
self.didExitGeofence(region: region as! CLCircularRegion)
} else {
self.onRegionExited(region: region as! CLBeaconRegion)

public func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation]) {
self.onLocationUpdated(locations: locations)

public func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didRangeBeacons beacons: [CLBeacon], in region: CLBeaconRegion) {
if (beacons.count==0) {return}
let snowmBeacons:[SnowMBeacon] = {
let snowmBeacon = SnowMBeacon()
snowmBeacon.uuid = $0.proximityUUID.uuidString
snowmBeacon.major = $0.major.intValue
snowmBeacon.minor = $0.minor.intValue
snowmBeacon.txPower = 0
snowmBeacon.macAddress = "Unavailable"
snowmBeacon.rssi = $0.rssi
return snowmBeacon
self.onBeaconDetected(beacons: snowmBeacons)

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Now, call the registerScannerDelegate from your AppDelegate class inside didFinishLaunchingWithOptions function.
BackgroundBeaconScanner.shared.delegate = BackgroundScannerResponse.shared
BackgroundBeaconScanner.shared.locationDelegate = BackgroundScannerResponse.shared
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Background Scanning #
Start Scanning beacons on background
(Will only scan the beacons on both foreground/background/terminated states)
snowmScanner.scanBeaconsBackground(uuids: uuids);
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It will start background scanner and send a callback on native android and iOS platforms respectively


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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